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Pastor's Weekly Update

A Fasting Feast…& Time Change

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Since we’re several weeks into Lent, I thought it might be beneficial to send a few thoughts your way about how to make the most of this wonderful season in the Christian church calendar.

Recently Sandy & I were having a conversation with a friend who is a Muslim asking her how she feels about the Islamic 30 days of fasting each year called Ramadan.  Without hesitation she said, “It’s my favorite time of year.”  Knowing that she is a tremendous cook and likes good food as much as any of us, we asked her why.  She went on to explain that during Ramadan, faithful Muslims refrain from eating or drinking from sun up to sun down each day.  But as soon as the sun goes down, it’s time to PARTY!  She went on to explain what a unifying experience it is when virtually everyone in a whole nation is rearranging their daily (and nightly) schedules and way of life for 30 days of fasting and feasting.  “It’s like your Christmas,” she said, “only for a whole 30 days.” 

That got me to thinking about this whole rhythm of fasting and feasting in life.  In reality, that’s what Lent can and should be for us Christians.  Yes, there are things we choose to fast from (food, noise, electronics, work, entertainments, TV, conversation, spending, etc.)  but there are also feasts we get to engage in to a fuller degree than normal (service, worship, prayer, Bible reading and study, acts of kindness, giving, fellowship, hospitality, etc.).  After all, isn’t it fasting (withdrawing from something for a period of time) that makes feasting so special?  When we indulge our appetites, good though they may be, every day without periodically or regularly refraining from them, even feasting loses its taste. 

So with just about four weeks to go in the Lent season, how about deciding to dedicate 2 of those weeks to some form of fasting from something and the other two to feasting on something to degrees you don’t normally engage in?  For instance, if you choose to engage in some form of fasting from food for a week, you might choose a “Daniel fast” of just eating fruits, grains and vegetables every day or you might decide to fast a certain meal each day or all meals for several days.  The time and money you save not preparing food and cleaning up now gives you more time to engage in “feasting” by praying more, reading God’s word more or sharing a few minutes calling someone to encourage them. 

WHY do we do this?  Because our bodies can either become a tool of every-increasing righteousness that helps us worship God more deeply or, by failing to discipline ourselves for godliness, our bodily and fleshly desires rule over us and steal from us blessings God wants to pour out on us. 

Paul wrote to his son in the faith, Timothy, in First Timothy 4:7-8 saying, “train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”  Observing Lent is like going into physical training so that we can grow in godliness. 

So why not take time today to look at your daily routine and schedule, talk it over with God, and ask Him what He might like you to fast from over the next 30 days and what he might want you to feast on in terms of godly spiritual practices that will help you grow up in Christ yet more?  Fasting really can make feasting all that much more special! 

MEN’S CONNECTION this SATURDAY, March 10th.  Men, come join other men on this spiritual journey as we talk about that important very important quality of PERSEVERANCE needed to succeed and triumph in life.  Dave Lott will be sharing his story and this topic with us.  See you from 8-9:30AM at Second Space.

WOMEN’S CONNECTION this SATURDAY from 6-9PM at Karen Chipley’s home (3011 S. Lincoln Dr.).  Enjoy a feast of fellowship with other women.  If you would like, bring a favorite snack, game, craft or movie, feel free.  This time is meant to be relaxing and refreshing for all.

MOVE CLOCKS FORWARD 1 HOUR THIS SATURDAY NIGHT…or you will be one hour late to church on Sunday!  Even if you forget, we’d still rather see you late than not at all. 

Enjoy the fasting feast!

Pastor John

Tags: fasting, feasting, lent, time change

