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Pastor's Weekly Update

About Bonding & Missing Persons

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

This week I shared in a very sad candlelight prayer vigil for one of our members, Heather Higgins.  Heather went missing from her apartment, her family and her church (Mosaic) just a year ago this week.  The police suspect the worst; the family hopes for the best.  (You can find a Facebook page about Heather at http://www.facebook.com/HeatherHigginsMissing)

Heather suffered from a bi-polar condition that made her life extremely difficult.  But she did her best to manage that challenge and to allow the love of Christ to flow through her even in her weakness.  One of the people at the vigil Tuesday night shared how Heather, who herself had been homeless, helped this woman through a rough period of homelessness in her life.

I have my own memories of Heather—always sitting in the front of the church, not the back…always bringing her Bible, not coming empty-handed…always worshipping standing, rarely sitting…always praising God with hands lifted high and face towards heaven as if she were seeing God high and lifted up. How frequently I was blessed by this sincere woman who struggled with more in life than most of us every will yet had a heart that was humbly honest before God, always seeking a fresh encounter with God.

Please pray for Heather, that her whereabouts would be revealed, and for her mother, Jackie, and brother, Jeff.  God has sustained them through this long year but it is, as we can only imagine, a terribly difficult unknown they must live with every day. 

Missing persons always leave a hole in the hearts of those who have known them.  The same is true in the family of God.  Whenever we’re missing from meaningful engagement with God’s people, it doesn’t just leave a hole in our hearts; it leaves a hole in the Body of Christ.  Whether you believe you are missed or not, God’s people feel it…and so does Jesus, our head. 

At Mosaic we’re still struggling to become a family of people who are truly bonded together.  Bonding is an emotional thing that comes over time with people who live in loving relationships.  But that bonding can be interrupted at any time…or never happen…depending on life experiences both good and bad. 

As we move into the fall, let me encourage you to do what you can to BOND with the people of God.  If not at Mosaic, then make sure it is some other gathering of God’s people. But don’t become a “missing persons” statistic among the family of God.  Don’t just show up at worship once a week.  Choose to grow up together this year with a handful of people you love to be with in Christ. 

Following are some of the opportunities you have to bond and be blessed by the lives of your spiritual brothers and sisters at Mosaic.

  • SUNDAY WORSHIP:  This week we’re continuing into I Corinthians 2 where we discover the difference the Spirit of God and the wisdom of God can make in our daily lives.
  • MENKE LAKE DAY & FELLOWSHIP LUNCH:  join Pat & Rex at the lake home from 2:00 to whenever ya'll go home.  The Menkes will be opening their home at Granite Lake for a time of fellowship, food and fun THIS SUNDAY afternoon.  They’ve offered to provide the meat to grill & beverages.  We will bring a potluck side dish, salad, appetizer or dessert. They live at Granite Lake, just north of I-90 @ the Cheney exit, 11019 S. Welcome Rd, Medical Lake.  (Call Pat or Rex at 638-3541 or 951-0861 or email:  )
  • MONDAY NIGHT CONNECTIONS:  The following 3 groups will be offered starting Monday, October 3rd.  Each one holds a special opportunity to grow in Christ and love for one another.

 “HELPING WITHOUT HURTING,led by Cheryl Schenk & Daniel Repsold.  This group will be looking at the whole issue of poverty and our involvement with it, whether here in downtown Spokane or some other part of the world like our Agros village Luz del Manana in Nicaragua.  What really is poverty?   What we can do to help rather than enable or further disable others in our expression of Christ’s compassion towards poverty?  What does God have to say about poverty?  And why does every one of us need ongoing engagement with people in poverty?  This will be a fascinating and life-changing look at something God cares about deeply. 
NOTE:  If you plan to be part of A Hand UP! ministry, want to minister in our downtown core or with the Agros Project or just want to think more deeply on this subject, this class is a must-do. 

“STUDYING THE BIBLE FOR ALL IT’S WORTH,” led by John Repsold.  This 10-12 week course will teach us how to study every different style of biblical literature using the English tools readily available to every one of us.  If you have ever wanted to learn how to handle the Word of God better whether for your own devotional life or for teaching others (your family, youth, adults, your pet canary…), this is a must-do study for you.  We’ll be meeting at the same time as the other groups on Monday nights at Mosaic.

“SEARCH FOR FREEDOM,” led by Pat Menke.  This group will be using some of the great material written by Robert McGee dealing with gaining freedom from destructive emotions, relationships & behaviors.  McGee writes, "As children we create strongholds which greatly influence the way we perceive life and respond and relate to others.  Find out how to identify the strongholds and destroy them."  This is one of those foundational courses that can help keep us free of the "snares that so easily entangle us".  

  • PRAYER CONNECTIONS:  Meeting in the presence of God in prayer does amazing things to bond our hearts together in Christ. You are welcome to share in the following Prayer Connections this fall
    • Sunday morning before first service in the church office area from 8:30-9:00am.
    • Women:  Sunday between services on the second floor landing from 10:30-11:00am
    • Everyone:  Monday nights from 8-9pm. Starting Oct. 3rd
    • Men:  Thursday mornings from 6:30-7:30 at the Mosaic Office right next to 2nd Space.

Starting in October we’ll be launching separate men’s and women’s opportunities for deeper fellowship and spiritual bonding.  If you would like to help out in the launch of these, please contact Pastor John ( or call 710-8026) about the men’s “Band of Brothers” and Michelle Buck (509) 570-4100 or email ) about the women. 

Bonding with God’s people one encounter at a time,

Pastor John

Tags: bonding, missing person, fellowship

