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    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Afraid of Praying?

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Dear Mosaic Family,

Praying is one of those universally acceptable spiritual activities…even if you’re an agnostic.  No kidding.  I recently ran across a book entitled “An Agnostic Defense of Obligatory Prayer.”  It’s written by an agnostic philosophy prof in the Midwest.  I rest my case. 

A 2008 study by Brandeis University found that 90% of Americans pray daily and about 50% several times a day. 

So why are we so resistant to praying in public…audibly…as in when we come together at church?  Honestly, I’d really be interested in your answers to that question…just so long as they’re  honest answers.  None of those, “What does the pastor want to hear?” kind of stuff, O.K?

Anyway, I’m glad that the Apostle Paul didn’t have a problem expressing his prayers publically.  He did just that in Ephesians 1, which is where we’ll be this weekend at Mosaic.  No, you won’t have to pray publicly.  But just to make any agnostics that may be among us more comfortable, there will be some creative and hopefully God-engaging praying happening during our worship. 

Besides, that’s what Mosaic is all about anyway—experiencing the heart of God in the heart of the city.  Prayer just might be one way we touch His heart and He changes ours this week.  See you Sunday.

NOTE:  We’re in the team formation stage for our next ministry trip with Agros to Nicaragua.  If you have any interest in helping our Luz del Manana village of 20 families for 8 days the end of January 2011, please talk with me or Michelle Weidemann for more specifics.  And plan to attend the introductory team meeting Monday, Oct 11, at  6:30pm at Mosaic Offices. 

Hasta la vista…este domingo!

Pastor John

P.S.  Now that half (the right half) of 2nd Avenue is actually paved, you shouldn’t have to have your Boy Scout orienteering merit badge in order to find us or the free parking.  Enjoy the smooth ride!     

Tags: prayer, fear, agnostics, church, ephesians

