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Pastor's Weekly Update

Bloomsday Praying

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Training…running…jogging…walking…those are all terms we normally associate with Bloomsday in Spokane.  But praying?  Leave it to a pastor to throw something spiritual into a perfectly good secular event…and on a Sunday, nonetheless!  Truth be told, I’ll bet about Doomsday Hill or mile 6 of the run there is actually lots of praying going on around Spokane on Bloomsday. 

For the first time in our existence as a church, Mosaic WILL be having a Bloomsday Sunday morning service…same time (10:00 a.m.), same place (Healing Rooms) and, yes, same God!  Having just finished our own “fun run” through thirty-one weeks of God’s unfolding story in history, we’re going to be launching May 1st into a new series entitled Praying with Jesus: Joining Jesus in His School of Prayer.

Over the next month, we’ll be focusing exclusively on the prayers of Jesus in the Gospels.  This week is Prayer 101—Foundations of Relational Conversations with God.

What most of us know as “The Lord’s Prayer” should more accurately be called “The Disciples’ Prayer.” It occurs smack-dab in the middle of one of Jesus’ better known teaching sessions called “The Sermon on the Mount.”  But this week it’s going to be more like a “Sermon in the City” for people on the run.  So jog on in (or drive and park for free, if you prefer) for some conversation with Jesus about conversations with the Father. 

And while you’re talking with God, don’t forget to pray for Pastor Jesse Achenbach as he undergoes surgery scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) for colon cancer. 

Enjoy Bloomsday…and conversations with God.

Pastor John

Tags: bloomsday, prayer, relational conversation

