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  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

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  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Bloomsday Weekend Changes

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Even if you’ve been reading your Sunday announcement page, I’ve got some CHANGES to this weekend’s schedule for you.  Last Sunday’s bulletin was incorrect regarding who is teaching which evenings this weekend.  Please note the following changes.

  1.  NO SUNDAY MORNING worship services…zip, zero, nada.  If you show up for church at 9 or 11AM, plan to run Bloomsday…or watch others cross the finish line. 
  2. 2 WEEKEND LOVE FEASTS—Saturday & Sunday nights 

This weekend being our quarterly “love feast” around the Lord’s Table, we are asking that FAMILIES bring a large main dish and side dish while SINGLES bring a side dish or dessert.  Water, coffee and tea are on us!

  1. SATURDAY Evening:  6:00-7:30pm @ Second Space we’ll be sharing food and fellowship around the table as well as hearing from a national speaker from VOICE OF THE MARTYRS, Int.  Since we expect some visitors due to VOM’s regional conference in Coeur d’Alene that same day, plan to bring some extra food to fellowship with sisters and brothers in Christ from all over the Inland Northwest.
  2. SUNDAY Evening:  6:00-7:30pm @ Second Space, one of our own Moody Northwest young men, Jake Young, will be challenging us out of Galatians 6 to run a steady race straight down the road of freedom between two opposite and dangerous ditches.  Come, learn and grow!

NEW BETA GROUP:  for those of you who may have been through an ALPHA group in the past, we’re launching a new 8-week BETA group on the lower South Hill.  If you’d like to join this study in the Gospel of John, please contact John or Sandy Repsold (443-2451; ). We meet from 7:00-8:30pm on Wednesdays. 

Run a great race of faith this week! 

Pastor John

Tags: bloomsday, love feast, voice of the martyrs

