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  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
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  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Breakfasts, Breakthroughs & Buying

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Dear Saints @ Mosaic,

White as snow!  What a wonderful image of what Christ has done to cleanse us from the stain and guilt of our sin.  Leave it to God to daily (well, almost already this week) remind us of the freshness of his forgiveness through the beauty of a fresh snowfall.

Just a couple of things about this weekend’s worship and fellowship.


For those  of you who responded to the invitation to enjoy breakfast and a brief worship time at the Shalom Zone at Central United Methodist Church tomorrow at 8:30AM, the breakfast is a GO.  They are looking forward to meeting all of you and just giving back to Mosaic a blessing for the blessing our support has been to them.


I would have to say that tomorrow’s Scripture passage in I Corinthians 6 brings us one of THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGES of the entire year.  We’re dealing with a subject that has more personal applications and more importance for daily victory in Christ than almost any other truth I can think of.  Not a day goes by when I am not personally challenged about this truth or I talk with someone who is struggling spiritually because of failure to implement this truth in their life.  As your pastor, can I simply say, WE ALL NEED THIS MESSAGE.  Don’t let a little snow or inconvenience stand between you and the kind of relationship Jesus is trying to give you with himself. 

See you through the snow…cleansed and forgiven.




This is a reminder that Mosaic is a ShopWithSrip-approved non-profit organization, able to receive rebates from gift cards purchased through www.shopwithscrip.com

It is really easy to use.  Here’s all you need to do. 

1.)     Contact Sandy at for our Mosaic Fellowship Approval Code (yes, it’s secret). 

2.)    Go to www.glscrip.com and set up your own family account (even if you are the only one in your family). 

3.)    Browse the many retailers and start shopping! 

How do you actually pay for these retailer cards?  There are two options.

1.)     We are going to allow payments via checks which must be received at the time the order is made.  Make those checks payable to Mosaic Fellowship and bring them the Sunday before we place the order (which is November 27th for our next order).

2.)    There is also a PrestoPay feature that is linked directly to your checking account with a reduced fee of 15 cents for each order processed through your account. 

  1. There is an additional feature if you use PrestoPay.  Several retailers allow you to order, pay through PrestoPay, and receive an email immediately with a bar code that serves as your gift card.  This means you can purchase Scrip the same day you plan to go shopping!  So, someone living outside of Spokane can actually set up a PrestoPay account, purchase ScripNow! and Mosaic receives the rebate without us having to process the money or the gift cards! 

Since I (Sandy) am the Scrip Coordinator for Mosaic, you will need to contact me for Mosaic's Code as well as to complete the process to set up PrestoPay. 

With the holidays coming, there are extra bonus rebates and new retailers all the time.  In fact, Groupon just became a ScripNow! retailer with a 13% bonus rebate for the holidays! 

Our next order will be made Nov. 27, so any checks need to be received that Sunday by 12:30 pm.  The order will be placed on Monday and cards will be ready for pickup/delivery by Friday (or Sunday, Dec. 4). 

Thank you for practicing this wise and effective stewardship!

