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    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
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  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

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  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
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Pastor's Weekly Update

D-Day Is Here!

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

There are times in the life of a nation when everything is on the line.  Such was the case in WWII on the beaches of Normandy that fateful D-Day of June 6, 1944 when the Allies began to retake Europe from the Nazis. 

Mosaic is at a similar place in the next step towards retaking Spokane for the kingdom of Christ.  The next 2-3 weeks will determine whether or not we will be able to press forward with the kind of beachhead we believe is necessary to expand ministries to the heart of our city.  We’ve invested a lot of time, prayer and effort in finding a place downtown that will permit us to do that.  And just as we are close to inking a deal, a local business has indicated they would like to purchase this property from the current owner. 

So…we’re asking you to PRAY and FAST…fervently, humbly, passionately and corporately.  The next couple of weeks will either see things come together for us in obtaining this facility OR fall apart and put us back to square one in our search.  We’ll joyfully embrace whichever option God knows is best.  But we do not want to miss out on any growth in Christ or our relationship to Him as we wait for Him to reveal His will in this important matter.

To that end, we have scheduled a special mid-week prayer time from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays at Second Space.  I invite you, if at all possible, to carve out that hour and join with others in intercession for God’s best for Mosaic and for our city.  Even if you aren’t accustomed to praying in a group, come anyway.  Let God speak to you through the prayers of others.  Give God room in your experience to move you into fresh experiences with Him through corporate prayer together.  And if Wednesday evenings don’t work, join us early on Thursday mornings from 6:30-7:30a.m.  God would love to see our passion for Him grow through this challenge…and even sleepy eyes. 

One last request.  There are times in our lives and the life of the church where FASTING is called for.  This is one of them.  We sense that this is an important juncture for all of us and for the advancement of the Gospel in the heart of Spokane.  So if God nudges you to fast, please do so.  Use the time you would normally be preparing food, eating it and cleaning up to pray.  Use the sense of hunger that comes with fasting to deepen your dependence and trust in God. 

Here are some specifics we can all be praying for:

  • For God to speak to the owner, Dan, giving God’s wisdom regarding how He wants that building to be used in coming decades.
  • For the provision of an additional $100,000 for the needed renovations…and the funds to purchase the building outright (whether now or later).
  • For the multiple ministries that are planning to open in the Mosaic Center in about 6-8 months, if God wills. (Unite Family Foster Care, Mosaic Concert Venue, O’Roberts Coffee & Public House, People’s Bikes).  May God give wisdom, sound counsel, solid leadership and needed start-up resources.
  • For God to reserve and guard the best place for our relocation in downtown…and may he grant us patience, perseverance and faith as we wait for Him to move. 

THANK YOU for being a part of God’s army in the retaking of our city for Christ. 

Pastor John

Tags: prayer, fasting, intercession, relocation, building

