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Pastor's Weekly Update

God Promised!

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

With all the rain we’ve had this past week (3.5 inches in 24 hours at one point), some of us may have been thinking, “Did God remember his promise not to flood the earth again?”  Just keep looking for rainbows.  God still loves to remind us of his promise-keeping power.

Promises are amazing things…when they are kept.  They have the power to transform a very uncertain future into something that has an anchor.  Depending on who gives the promise and how strong their character is, that anchor can provide all kinds of blessings through life’s worst storms. 

We humans make promises concerning a future about which we may have very little if any real knowledge.  God makes promises knowing what the future holds.  At first brush, it may appear like God has the easier task.  After all, he knows everything that will happen and is sovereign over the affairs of mankind. 

We, on the other hand, know very little if anything about what will happen the rest of today let alone the rest of life on earth.  We promise out of ignorance, thinking we’re up to whatever challenge life will throw at us when it comes to keeping promises.  But God promises out of knowledge, knowing that what he promises will, in fact, cost him dearly, deeply and painfully many times. 

That’s why when we promise and then are called upon at some future date to deliver on that promise, we become more like the promise-keeping God we serve…especially when it costs us.  That’s why God cares deeply about the promises we make as well as the character we develop when keeping them may cost us dearly. 

So next time it rains, remember that we serve a promise-keeping God.  And ask for His help in keeping the promises you have made to him and others.



Come ready for a foot-stomp’in good time as we enjoy some really terrific bluegrass pick’in, sing’in and play’in.  Trust me, I’ve heard these guys before, and they are GOOD!  It’s FREE so no letting the cost stop you.  All ages will enjoy this one.  And plan to stick around after the concert for a special screening of a new short-movie they’ve produced entitled “Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans.” 


Men of all ages, we’ll be meeting at 8:00am Saturday in Second Space for breakfast and a look at how to win the purity battle this summer.  The outgoing leader of our Pure Warriors group will be sharing his story and some of the tools he’s discovered to really win in this arena.  If you have a teenage son or grandson, bring them along.  It’s time we took the gloves off on this issue and fought a really good fight. 


  • SERVE @ CITY GATE:  If you like to be the hands, feet, face, smile, legs and arms of Jesus, come join Mike Mann and the team at City Gate at 6:30.  You’ll be blessed and a blessing to God and people He loves.

Attention Mosaic Women!  Our sister in Christ, Maureen Grady, is having her first baby (in conjunction with her husband, Patrick, of course)!  Since this is their first child (a boy), there are lots of opportunities to bless Maureen with all the things a new mom and baby will need. 

Since Maureen’s family is about as far away as you can get from Spokane (South Africa), we’re her family.  So we’re hosting a BABY SHOWER to just heap a little love and joy on Maureen. 

When:  6:00p.m. Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Where:  Karen Chipley’s home, 1845 W. Summit Parkway.

What:  That all depends on what you bring!  Following are some of the suggested items Maureen will need for their newborn baby BOY. 

Footed sleepers
Baby sweater
Hooded bath towel
Bath tub
Breast feeding support pillow
Receiving blankets
Waterproof pad
Newborn disposable diapers
Baby bath supplies
Wash rag
Crib sheets
Bumper pads for crib
Baby front carrier
Gift cards—always good

SUNDAY, JUNE 10TH—So You Don’t Think Judas Has Much to Teach You?

This Sunday we’ll have the privilege of being ministered to by two wonderful men of God.  Coby Orr (yes, Kirk & Stephanie’s son) will be leading musical worship.  And, yes, he’s as talented as his dad!  Eric Stapleton will bring us the Word from John’s Gospel as we see what the life of Judas Iscariot has to teach us about the spiritual battle we’re all in.  Having gotten the short version already from Eric, I’m very excited to see how God is going to meet us this Sunday.  See you at 9 or 11!



We’re reconstituting the serve team for Cup on the second Tuesday of each month.  If you want to impact the street youth of Spokane, join us at 6:00pm. June 12th at the City Gate kitchen where we’ll prepare a great meal for about 45 street youth.  If you need your Food Handler’s Permit, you may obtain that on-line at http://www.srhd.org/services/fwc-test.asp.  Come share the heart of God for the heart of our city!



On Saturday, June 30th, we have the opportunity to reach out to an adjacent needy neighborhood by helping the Off Broadway Family Ministry take a couple dozen kids from the West Central Neighborhood out to the Union Gospel Mission Camp on the Spokane River for a day camp experience they will never forget.  Here’s how we can help.

  • GIVE TIME:  they need everything from cooks to counselors/mentors.  Can you give one Saturday this summer to change a kids life?
  • GIVE LOVE & EXPERIENCE:  Off Broadway would like those who come along as counselors/mentors to be ready to take just a couple of hours once a month for the next year to stay in touch with the 4 kids you (and another counselor/mentor) will be overseeing and developing a relationship with June 30th.  Most of these grade school children live in pretty dysfunctional families and need to see the love of God in action.    

If you would like to be part of this ministry, please contact Pastor John (710-8026; ).  There will be an informational interest meeting Tuesday, June 12th, 11:30a.m. at the Union Gospel Mission (1224 East Trent Ave.).  If you would like to hear directly about this great ministry or have questions, please join us for this meeting.

Closer to home, if you like coffee…and like to SERVE others at Mosaic…please contact Eric Stapleton about being part of a new team that will bless the church with coffee between services.  Eric may be reached at .   

Tags: promises, bluegrass, concert, men, women

