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Pastor's Weekly Update

Growth Opportunities

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

As we move deeper into the fall, there are a number of things you’ll want to be aware of.  Most of them are tremendous opportunities to grow through either putting your faith into action, through engaging in meaningful relational connections or through learning together from God’s Word.  Here they are.
YOUNGER MEN (18-30): 
THIS SUNDAY, September 18th, I’d like to invite you to a 1-hour lunch at Mosaic right after 2nd service to run some questions by you regarding man-to-man connections and issues.  I’ll supply the food and questions; you supply the ideas and answers.  Deal?  See you in the church office area about 12:45 Sunday.
Daniel Repsold (yes, a close relative of mine) writes, “ Need a break from the books? Join us this fall as we build relationships with each other through service to others. On Saturday afternoons (unless another time works better for everyone) we will serve somewhere for a bit, and then follow with some food and fellowship. What could be better? Well, maybe a lot of things, but this will be pretty good too! Contact Daniel Repsold if interested ( ).”
NEED A HELPING HAND (or strong backs) THIS FALL?
Here’s an amazing offer from our collegians at Mosaic!  “Are there any projects, yard work, etc. that you (or someone you know—neighbor, friend, relative) would like help with? The College Group would love to serve you by giving their time and energy. Call Mike Miller (812-276-7943) or Daniel Repsold (710-1627) to schedule a work party at your place.”
Many of you have heard of the new ministry to downtown residents that we are launching called A Hand UP!  Come the first of October we’ll be launching a mentoring-focused approach to helping downtown residents with some of the necessary skills they need to find a job in this challenging economy.  Whether it’s computer training on Word, Excel or Power Point-like programs, help with résumés, developing interviewing skills, connecting with job opportunities, learning the banking system or discovering how to plan, budget and shop on a tight income, Mosaic wants to help downtown residents who are eager to grow to do so through relational connections that transform. 
            For starters we’ll be opening our doors to Second Space and computer training/mentoring on Thursday evenings (6-8) and Saturday mornings (10-noon).  As the need grows and things expand, we’ll add needed time slots. 
            If you are available to help mentor/coach a person either a couple of hours a month or a week, please contact Gary Gandee (phone 217-3836; email ) or Mike Mann (phone 389-1871; email ).
Starting Monday, October 3, we’ll be launching three 8-12 week small groups from 6:30-8:00pm at Second Space, our Mosaic Office and the Upstairs Conference Room.  We’ll start gathering at 6:15pm for some snacks and then head to our groups by 6:30.  PLEASE SIGN UP IN ADVANCE either on Sunday at Mosaic or by contacting Menesia Spade at
Here are the groups that will be offered and who will be leading them:

This group will be looking at the whole issue of poverty and our involvement with it, whether here in downtown Spokane or some other part of the world like our Agros village Luz del Manana in Nicaragua.  What really is poverty?   What we can do to help rather than enable or further disable others in our expression of Christ’s compassion towards poverty?  What does God have to say about poverty?  And why does every one of us need ongoing engagement with people in poverty?  This will be a fascinating and life-changing look at something God cares about deeply. 
NOTE:  If you plan to be part of A Hand UP! ministry, want to minister in our downtown core or with the Agros Project or just want to think more deeply on this subject, this class is a must-do. 

STUDYING THE BIBLE FOR ALL IT’S WORTH:  This 10-12 week course will teach us how to study every different style of biblical literature using the English tools readily available to every one of us.  If you have ever wanted to learn how to handle the Word of God better whether for your own devotional life or for teaching others (your family, youth, adults, your pet canary…), this is a must-do study for you.  We’ll be meeting at the same time as the other groups on Monday nights at Mosaic.

  • “SEARCH FOR FREEDOM,” led by Pat Menke

This group will be using some of the great material written by Robert McGee dealing with gaining freedom from destructive emotions, relationships & behaviors.  McGee writes, "As children we create strongholds which greatly influence the way we perceive life and respond and relate to others.  Find out how to identify the strongholds and destroy them."  This is one of those foundational courses that can help keep us free of the "snares that so easily entangle us".  
Sunday, Sept 25th, from 2:00 to whenever ya'll go home, the Menkes will be opening their home at Granite Lake for a time of fellowship, food and fun.  They’ve offered to provide the meat to grill & beverages.  We will bring a potluck side dish, salad, appetizer or dessert. They live at Granite Lake, just north of I-90 @ the Cheney exit, 11019 S. Welcome Rd, Medical Lake.  (Call Pat or Rex at 638-3541 or 951-0861 or email )
If you’ve always wanted to be part of a cross-cultural short-term ministry, start praying about joining the team that will be headed to Nicaragua in late January 2012 for about 10 days.  We’ll be taking a team of about a dozen people to work alongside and encourage the Luz del Manana Agros village we partner with on Lake Nicaragua.  The best way to check out whether or not this is for you is to show up at the INFORMATIONAL INTEREST MEETING, Sunday, Oct. 3rd, from 6-8pm at Second Space Gallery/Mosaic.  You’ll be able to hear from some who have gone before, see some pictures, review the village plan and ask any question you want about this great work.   
We’re in the process of developing both these areas of relationships at Mosaic now that we’ve heard from many of you at this week’s brainstorming gatherings.  Thank you to all who gave us feedback.  We’ll be sharing some specifics of the ideas and plans generated over the next few weeks. 
That’s plenty for today.  Hope you’ve had a great week in Christ and have an even greater weekend together with His Body. 
Blessed beyond measure,
Pastor John

Tags: college, men, women, growth, small groups, downtown

