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Pastor's Weekly Update


Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

It’s official.  We’re now a pre-schooler!  This week marks the 4th anniversary of our launch as Mosaic Fellowship in downtown Spokane.  Congratulations to a wonderful mosaic of God’s family! 

As I think about what God is doing with Mosaic these days, a couple of experiences I’ve had in the last 24 hours typify why I think we’re so very blessed.

Last night I was with our youth at the weekly Life Boats gathering at Greers.  At one point we were debating how to divide the kids for the small group portion of the night when one of the teens (who happens to be related to me and of African-American descent) quipped , “How about black and white?” We all laughed as we realized that there were actually more non-Caucasians in the room than us white folk.  I dare you to find any other youth group in Spokane where that is the racial mix.  That in itself is pretty unique in a city with 90+ percent Caucasian demographic. 

Then today I was out at Whitworth University talking with a couple of our collegians.  As we talked, they both shared how wonderful they think it is to be part of a church of such amazing diversity.  In just about every way we could think of, Mosaic reflects the greatest diversity you could possibly find in this city.   We truly are a mosaic of this city…and it is beautiful. 

Thank you everyone for the irreplaceable and unique role you play in this growing expression of the body of Christ in Spokane.  Thank you for the heartfelt love you have for the Lord Jesus and for one another.  And thank you for faithfully demonstrating God’s heart for people all across our city, especially downtown. 




What would you say was THE most important invitation of your life?  An invitation to join a certain team or attend a particular college?  A marriage proposal? 

How about an invitation that changes every part of the rest of your life on earth and your eternal destiny?  I’d say that is truly THE most important invitation anyone could give or receive in life. 

That’s why I made the challenge I did last Sunday:  invite at least one unchurched or unsaved friend, coworker, family member, neighbor or acquaintance to join you at one of the ALPHA groups we are starting in February.  Seriously, that could be THE most important invitation they get for the rest of their life. 

If you’ve been a part of an ALPHA course already, you know how fun and life-changing that experience can be.  And the only way you can take ALPHA again at Mosaic is to attend along with someone you’ve invited who may be searching spiritually or needing a place to air their spiritual questions. 

So my challenge stands:  will you trust God to give you the boldness to invite at least ONE other person needing Christ to join you at one of the Alpha Classes running from February through April at Mosaic?  We currently have three different locations (2 on the South Hill, one in the Spokane Valley) and will add more if we need them.  Where else can you enjoy amazing food, fellowship and freedom to probe your nagging spiritual questions while having a ton of fun in the process? 

Pick up ALPHA invitation cards at Mosaic worship on Sunday or go to http://www.mosaicspokane.com/alpha/ for more info.  Your invitation could well be THE most important one someone you care about will get their entire life. 

Pastor John

Tags: anniversary, diversity, alpha course

