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    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
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  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Home Again...Finally!

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Dear Mosaic Family,

Four weeks, 4,200 miles of driving in an RV, 14,000 miles of flying and daughter’s engagement later, we’re finally home again!  Dorothy was right:  There’s no place like home…especially after your home has been 120 square feet of bouncing living space for up to 7 people at a time.

There’s also no place like Mosaic.  What a blessing it was to return last Sunday to full-hearted worship, soul-to-soul fellowship and the warm embrace of so many dear friends who love Jesus deeply.  Special thanks to Eric who so ably ministered God’s word in my absence.  (If you missed the messages as we did, miss them no more.  Just go to www.mosaicspokane.com and click on the “sermon” tab at the top.  You can either listen to them or read the text version on-line.  You’ll be blessed…and better prepared for the rest of this summer’s series in Joshua called “Taking the Land.” )

Speaking of “Taking the Land,” this weekend we’ll be in Deuteronomy 29-30 grappling with “Reenlistment Decisions.”  Just as our military today asks its personnel to “re-up” from time to time, God asks his people to re-up in our journey with Him.  God always remains fully committed to us.  He needs no “re-uping.”  It’s our engagement in accepting new challenges and taking new territory spiritually that needs a “reenlistment decision” from time to time.  Join us Sunday as we hear God speak to us about what a fresh reenlistment may involve for us today.

Several other important things are happening this weekend which may call for your involvement or prayers.

--The Mosaic White-Water Rafting Trip happens this Saturday and/or Sunday on the Clark Fork River in Montana.  Call Jeff Kimble at 999-1421 TODAY if you want to join in this adrenalin-pumping experience.  It’s a wonderful parent-child or (as Nels reminded us Sunday) grandparent-kid-grandkid experience not to mention just great fun and fellowship.   

--A number of us are heading to Portland today and Saturday for some training in the Alpha Course.  You’ll be hearing more about this in the weeks to come.  But for now we’d really appreciate your prayers for God to speak to us about how to use this very powerful tool to the max at Mosaic and in Spokane for both educating God’s people and reaching seeking people. 

Don’t forget to mark Sunday, July 24th @ 4pm @ Riverfront Park for the monthly church fellowship meal.  We’ll meet and eat somewhere in/around the music bowl grass area east of the clock tower.  That way we’ll have great seats for that evening’s Royal Fireworks Music concert and fireworks. 

God bless you all.  We’re looking forward to the renewed warmth of your fellowship and God’s work among us the remainder of this summer.  --Pastor John

