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    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

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  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

Hoopfest & Jesus’ Heart

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

What does Hoopfest have to do with your walk with God?  Possible answers range from “nothing” to “everything” with plenty in between. 


For those of us who aren’t playing on a team, monitoring a court or don’t have family or friends we’re rooting on, Hoopfest is just sort of a fun Spokane event whose only impact is that it makes it more difficult for us to find parking on Sunday morning.  Kind of a bummer!


For those who are playing on teams or helping make this event safe and fun for our city, it means a weekend of being around 200,000 of your closest friends!  You’re spending lots of time and energy serving other people. 


That’s a good thing…but does it stop there?  If Jesus were hanging out at Hoopfest—playing on a team or helping on a court—what would His heart be most interested in…most concerned about…most passionate for?


I doubt it would be the games themselves.  My guess is it would be all about the people—how to show off God His Father to them and how to get as many of them as possible closer to the Father. 


Shouldn’t that be the goal of every one of us this weekend, whether we’re playing or partying, worshiping or watching, attacking on the court or avoiding the crowds? 


So here’s my challenge.  If you’re actually involved in Hoopfest, invite God into your weekend—into every encounter with people, every game, every call, every block, every court.  You are Christ’s presence in this city this weekend. Make it count.  Ask people what you can pray for in their lives.  Be sensitive to the opportunities you will have to help someone else, to meet needs, to pick up garbage…whatever will show others what Jesus at Hoopfest would do.


And if you aren’t into Hoopfest at all, don’t let it rob you of a growing heart for Jesus.  Don’t let it keep you from gathering together with God’s family at church, whether that is at Mosaic (which you’ll need to park and walk a little farther to get to this Sunday) or whether it’s at some other church you decide to visit and bless this Sunday.  Decide that you’re going to pray for the people you pass on the street as you park and walk.  Decide you’re going to worship best you can when you come so that everyone who walks by our windows and stands outside our doors catching a bus will also catch something of our hearts’ love for the God we passionately serve and worship.  And just in case you’re wondering what I’m preaching on, it will be about “Jesus-Style Health Care” from John 4-5.  After this week’s national health care issues, we all need to hear God’s heart on healing. 


Let Hoopfest change your heart this weekend!


Pastor John




SUMMER SURVEY—If you haven’t given us feedback on our THIRD SERVICE SURVEY in the bulletin yet, you may want to go to the Mosaic website (www.mosaicspokane.com) and give us your preference about a possible third service come fall.  We’re planning on adding an EVENING SERVICE in September or October and want your input about time and day of the weekend.  You’ll find the survey under our “Home” tab at the top of the page.  See “Summer 2012 Survey.”


4TH OF JULY—The Serbens have invited 150 of their closest church friends (that’s YOU) to join them for a good ol’ fashioned 4th of July picnic/potluck in their back yard.  If you’re in town on the 4th and want to hang out with your spiritual family, come join us anytime from 1:00-6:00pm at 6715 N Market Street in Hillyard (just north of Francis).  Plan to bring some FOOD (main dish or salad or dessert), your lawn chairs and any yard/lawn games you like.  Serbens will provide volleyball.  Please RSVP to John or Laci at 994-8521 or email John at


INTERCESSORS TEAM—We’re launching a new prayer chain/team at Mosaic.  So if you like praying for your spiritual family, please let us know by email or in person so we can add your name to either the email or phone prayer teams. 




Tags: hoopfest, worship, 4th of july, health care, healing

