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Pastor's Weekly Update

How Holy Is Your "Holy Week"?

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Holy, biblically speaking, simply means “set apart,” “separate,” “unique” or “consecrated.”  When applied to God is refers to his absolute moral purity and separation from sin.  When applied to this week, well….
The answer to that all depends upon what we choose to do with this week.  Jesus chose to set himself apart for human history’s most profound sacrifice.  He submitted to the most unjust trial and cruelty.  He set apart Holy Week to make sinners like us “set apart” to God.
If you haven’t already “set apart” some time this week to reflect on what the cross of Christ means in your life, might I encourage you to do so?  Make some time “holy” by reading one or all of the Gospel accounts of the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 26-27, Mark 14-15, Luke 22-23 and John 18-19).  Then ask yourself…

  • Where would my life be without the cross of Christ? 
  • What would this world be like without the power of the cross at work for the last twenty centuries in our sinful world?
  • What has the cross of Christ brought to me?
  • When is that cross most important to me?
  • What does the cross of Jesus mean to me?

And if you would like to make a bit more of this week “unique” and “set apart” for the King, join God’s people somewhere in this city on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  We’ll be contemplating Jesus’ holy, set-apart death for us on Friday at 7:00p.m. at Mosaic.  We plan to do that with music, prayers, readings, drama, teaching, and communion together, all in one hour.  And then Easter morning, we’ll be using many of those same elements to celebrate God’s resurrection power and how transforming that can be to people like us. 
See you somewhere in this Holy Week…God willing!
Pastor John

Tags: holy, holy week, easter, good friday, cross

