
Contact Us

  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
  • Email:
  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

It Must Be Summer...Still!

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

One of the things I LOVE about living in Spokane are the distinct seasons—fall, winter, spring and…road construction.  If you’ve been anywhere near Mosaic this past month, you know that we’re full into road construction season.  It’s just a little tough to find a parking space on 2nd Avenue these days.  (O.K.  It’s impossible…unless you want your car to be buried alive by an earth-mover.)

THIS SUNDAY, access to 2nd Space will be a continuing challenge as roadwork on 2nd Ave. is still completely blocking the north-south traffic on Howard & Wall.  So, if you want to get to our adjacent parking lot, you will need to approach it from the north side on Howard (Wall being one-way the wrong way) or come down the alley north of 2nd Ave.  You can still always park on the street at either Howard or Wall south of 2nd Ave. 

Thanks for being a church that doesn’t let a little road construction dampen your heart for worship in God’s presence with His people! 

NOTE:  There will NOT be child care this Sunday due to new floor construction going on inside our children’s area this week.

NOTE #2:  We’ll be celebrating only ONE SERVICE this weekend, August 29th, at 11:00AM Sunday.  Reason?  Keep reading.



This weekend, part of Mosaic (the camping part) is headed over to the warmer part of the state for some good fellowship and fun together.  God graciously guided us earlier in choosing this site as temperatures are predicted to be dropping significantly in coming days.  That should make Coolie City just about perfect! 

If you would like to join us but still haven’t made your reservation, please call Sun Lakes Resort (509-632-5291) before you come to make sure there is RV or tent space for you.  Or just bring your air mattress and sleep on the lake!  I’m sure space is NOT limited there. 

For more info and directions to Sun Lakes Resort go to http://www.sunlakesparkresort.com



Not to be outdone by the city construction work outside our doors, we decided now was a perfect time to do our own inside construction at the office/children’s area. 

The old carpet is torn out.  The old (ugly) floor is now visible…and we’re scheduled for delivery on Monday of our new wood flooring.  So if you have TUESDAY, August 31st, available, come join us as we install the new floor.  If you have experience installing wood flooring, so much the better!  Come and save us hours of mistakes!  See you from 9-??:?? on Tuesday, August 31st at Mosaic Office, 608 W. 2nd Ave, Suite 101.

By the way, a HUGE PRAISE.  Through the generosity of several donors (some of whom don’t even attend Mosaic), we’ve received the full $1,000 needed for this upgrade.  THANK YOU, GOD…and you, his people!



Speaking of gracious donations, we’ve also received some special gifts for the launch of ALPHA MINISTRY at Mosaic this September.  This first round of Alpha is filling up quickly.  So please be sure to either SIGN UP in person on Sundays or call the church office and leave a message (747-3007) letting us know how many will be coming. 

WHY ALPHA?  For those of you not familiar with Alpha, it is one of the best tools available in our post-Christian, post-modern world to do three things:

1.)    Allow God-seekers and God-doubters a safe environment in which to pursue any questions we/they may have about Christianity while also experiencing the love, hospitality and truth of God’s people and Word. 

2.)    Ground all of us in some of the core truths of vibrant Christianity.

3.)    Raise up a new generation of leaders in the church. 

So come and join us for 11 weeks starting September 12th, from 5-8PM, for dinner, fun and a great growth experience.  You’ll never regret it…I promise!

Working with life’s construction mess,

Pastor John



Tags: construction, summer, alpha

