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Pastor's Weekly Update

It’s Time to Be What We Are

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Listening to the news today on my drive home, I found myself feeling like I needed to wake up from a bad dream.  And, no, I wasn’t asleep at the wheel.  What with Egyptians rioting to recapture their quickly disappearing democratic freedoms, our Governor signing Washingtonian’s same-sex marriage law and our politicians ready to drive us off some “fiscal cliff” somewhere, it makes me want to hibernate for the winter in a bear den in the hills and hope that things look greener when I wake up in the spring. 

But if we believe that God’s word is still true (and I do), then God is still working ALL things together for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).  Yes, even in America. 

What’s needed most in our city, this state, our nation and the entire world is simply that we, God’s children, BE what God has made us to be—His children being remade in the image and likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s the best gift we can give to our families, neighbors and anyone who happens to encounter us in the course of a day.  

So let’s be sure to give people Jesus this season…and all year.  Let’s not be content with simple passing greetings.  Let’s really give ourselves and Jesus—our energies, our love, our Lord, our time, our/His compassion and kindness.  Let’s decide to give a gift from our life by giving to people who can’t or probably won’t give back. 

So pick one of the following “Christmas Giveaways” and rediscover the joy of giving.



Men, you’ll have a chance to package a few hundred soups THIS SATURDAY, December 8th, from 9:30-11am after the MEN’S CONNECTION BREAKFAST (8:00-9:30am) @ Second Space. 

Women, you’ll get your chance the NEXT SATURDAY, December 15, during your WOMEN’S BREAKFAST at 8:00am at Second Space. 

Then ALL of us will have an opportunity to meet some neighbors by personally handing out hundreds of these delicious soup packages that also have a really attractive Christmas Eve invitation attached.  We’ll be doing that the weekend just before Christmas, on Friday to Sunday, December 21st to 23rd.   Why not set aside an hour or two for our neighbors at Mosaic?


CITY GATE SERVE, Saturday, December 9th at 6:30 @ City Gate kitchen.  Come join the team in serving a hot meal and sharing the life of Jesus THIS SATURDAY.  Please call or text Pastor John (509-710-8026) if you are planning on doing this Saturday.


CUP OF COOL WATER SERVE:  this NEXT TUESDAY evening, December 11th, we need about 5 volunteers to help Doug and the cooks simply serve the food at Cup of Cool Water.  If you would like to get in the game and really serve our city, please let Doug (362-3803) or Pastor John (710-8026) know. 


THIS SUNDAY’S SERVICES:  Let’s gather together as God’s family for some great Christmas music, praying, enjoying each other’s fellowship and chewing on the word of God as we continue our Christmas series, All I Want for Christmas.  This week we’ll be looking at Mary, Jesus’ earthly mother, and what her wishes for that special event have to teach all of us.  See you at 9, 11 or 6pm. 

Still waking up!

Pastor John

Tags: bad dream, christmas, soup, serving, history

