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Pastor's Weekly Update

Light Before the Darkness

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Greetings All!

Jesus said in John 9:4, “As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” 

As events in the Middle East continue to bring greater instability, strife and danger to our world, and as state and national issues in America seem to be degenerating into more confrontation and polarization, it is imperative that we, God’s people, not be caught by surprise or sidetracked from the calling Jesus Christ has given each of us. 

It is still “daytime” in our city, our state, nation and even world.  We must make it our first priority to “do the work of him who sent” Jesus to this earth, namely the will of our Heavenly Father.  “Night is coming….”  I firmly believe that we will live to see the days when we will not be able to “work” for Christ’s Kingdom as freely, as openly and as protected as we can today.  The day will come when we will look back on the religious privileges we are currently enjoying and say, “Wow, if we had only know how blessed we were then!”  

If you belong to Jesus, let me remind you of HIS WORDS:  “…We must do the work of him who sent me.  Night IS coming, when no one can work” (emphasis added). 

This Sunday we’ll be talking about what God has given you and me in order to be able to actually do that “work” which he has left us here to do.  We’ll be doing some personal reflection about what our times call for as well as what God is calling for from us.  We’re back into the book of EPHESIANS, chapter 4.  As we gather to hear from the One who has sent us, please pray that God will show us clearly what that “work” is which we must be doing and how he wants you and Mosaic to capitalize on the daylight hours we still have in the Kingdom. 



The new bar-church starting at the A-Club is going to be called “The Seaside.”  Any new church plant needs lots of prayer and close spiritual support, but this endeavor much more.  Invading the very front lines of the spiritual battle will call for great sacrifices and great spiritual support.  Please be in prayer for Charlie’s health (serious back pain), their family’s protection, spiritual wisdom and power as well as financial needs.  Contact Charlie or Lisa for more information at

SPRING SOFTBALL TEAM?  Even Jesus took time away, outdoors and with his closest friends to enjoy life, have fun and get refreshed.  That’s why we’re checking to see if there is ENOUGH INTEREST at Mosaic to field a church league co-ed softball time this spring.  This team will be a part of the Spokane Christian Athletic Association. Whether we join or not depends on if we have enough interest. The season is from April to June, with games being played on Saturday mornings. It looks as though the cost will be about $25 a person with minimum age at 16.  If you’re interested, please contact Daniel Repsold ( ) or Ben Brast ( ). You can also visit www.caaspokane.com for more information.

We’re really hoping it will be a fun time for all, and that those that are not playing will just come and hang out with each other.

WORSHIP SPACE SPECIAL PROJECT:  If you were with us last week at Second Space, you know that we’re launching into a minor UPGRADE of our worship area at Second Space Gallery.  We’ve taken out the back stage area by the window in hopes of giving us a little more floor-and-fellowship space.  The next step will be to complete the slate flooring there, put in window seating and add a couple of flat screen monitors to the west wall so that we can reconfigure our seating space whenever we like to accommodate a more user-friendly environment.  As things currently stand, we’re limited to seating that faces the front stage.  This upgrade will allow us to turn the whole seating sideways and enjoy greater flexibility in our worship setting and seating.

            Total cost of this project has been set not to exceed $3,000.  And we’ll only do the work when the funds come in.  So if you would like to donate to this project over and above your regular tithe giving to Mosaic, simply designate your gifts “Worship Project.”  Then get ready to enjoy the new flexibility it will bring to our worship experiences together.  Thanks!


Sunday at 6:00PM at the Repsold’s (3205 E. Marie Ct.), we’ll be gathering together those who have a passion for ministry to children.  We’re at a place in this ministry that we need to “take it to the next level.”  So if you are passionate about reaching and discipling children, come join us for dessert and discussion Sunday night at 6.  Call John at 710-8026 for directions. 

Tags: light, darkness, world events, working, ephesians 4

