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  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

Mosaic Hoopfest Weekend

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

In case you didn’t know, this weekend is Hoopfest in Spokane. About the only change that means for us is that parking will NOT be free for us in the lots on Sunday morning. But thankfully on-street parking is free. I’ve found it’s usually not too hard to find a space if you look in the area just south of the freeway near us. Just plan a few extra minutes to walk a little farther…something tens of thousands of other Spokanites will be doing just to play basketball. And as you walk, be praying for God to move in the people you see and the buildings you pass. It’s a great way to bring more of the presence of Christ to our city…prayer walking to church.

Speaking of Sunday, as we’re now done with the apologetics series, I’ll be kicking off our summer worship talking about Divine Pomology. No, it’s not a term I learned in seminary! But if you’re curious about that word…and hungry for God… join us Sunday and hopefully God will use His word and our fellowship to educate and inspire us all. With a number of exciting possible changes on the horizon for Mosaic, I’ll also be giving you a few things to think and pray about this summer as we prepare for the next step God has for us at Mosaic.

Just a note about SUMMER too. If you’ve lived in Spokane for very long, you know that part of Spokane culture is to enjoy the warm weekends by camping, traveling, hanging out with friends and just about anything that gets you outdoors. As a Spokane native, that is one of the things I love about our region. So I hope everyone gets some R&R this summer in ways that renew you body, soul and spirit.

At the same time, may I encourage you to continue your faithful giving to Mosaic and any other ministries that depend upon you for their ongoing ministry. Even though church giving tends to fluctuate this time of year, our expenses don’t. So we’ve tried to make giving as convenient as possible with our on-line giving options. Check out the black “GIVE” button at our website at www.mosaicspokane.com. Thank you for helping keep the various ministries of Mosaic going.

Finally, one of the things we’ll be doing to help the Japan Summer Team which Eric & Brenda are heading up will be to sponsor a photo and art summer exhibition in 2nd Space Gallery. Most of us have a piece or art or photography somewhere at home that could be used as a donation for this worthy cause.

So here’s what we’re suggesting. If you would be willing to donate an art/photo piece to Mosaic for the benefit of the Japan Summer Ministry, we would like to decorate our walls at Second Space with it for the summer. That will allow our whole church to enjoy it as well as give others an opportunity to donate towards the Stapleton’s ministry by purchasing one of the pieces. All proceeds will go to help this summer missions endeavor. If you have art or photography you would like to donate, please contact Eric Stapleton at or 230-0793 to arrange for its display. Thanks!

May God richly bless you this week as you enjoy His wonderful gift of summer.


Pastor John

Tags: hoopfest, pomology, summer, japan

