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Pastor's Weekly Update

Not Just Any Ol' Day

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Good Friday is not just another day on the Christian calendar; it is THE day on the heart of God. 


Good Friday actually begins “today,” at least once the sun sets.  If we reckon a day as the Jews did (a new day beginning at sundown), then our Christian observance of Good Friday is just hours away…or maybe already here…depending on when you read this.


What is so important about Good Friday? 


It is, in my opinion, THE single most important day in all of human history.  Everything God’s people throughout every age, in every tribe and tongue, have as blessings from God flow from this singular day.  Every Old Testament sacrifice was only a temporary stop-gap until Jesus died on Good Friday.  Every blessing we have as New Testament believers from salvation to the abiding Holy Spirit hinges on Christ’s death on Good Friday.  The reason we are Christians rather than Hindus or Muslims or Secularists is because of what happened on Good Friday.


Good Friday is not just another day on the Christian calendar; it is THE day on the heart of God. 

It is the day when the mystery of God’s provision of salvation for all mankind was revealed. 

It is the day when God’s plan to be bruised and crushed for our sins became reality. 

It is the day when God’s holy justice and love met on a hill outside Jerusalem called Golgotha. 


FRIDAY EVENING (April 6th) at 8:15PM we’ll be gathering at Second Space for a very special Good Friday service of reflection, humiliation, repentance and adoration.  For about 90 minutes we’ll be experiencing a montage of music, video, Scripture readings, reflection, prayer and contemplation.  Various Mosaic musicians will lead us through a variety of experiences designed to help us worship at the foot of the cross of Christ on this truly most holy of all days. 


So how can we prepare to experience our amazing God tomorrow evening? 

1.)     Bring your Bibles.  God may have a passage of scripture he wants to speak into your life or wants you to speak into the life of Mosaic.

2.)    Come with an open heart to let the Holy Spirit work in and through you during the different segments of our evening.

3.)    Ask God to show you where he has or is in the process of giving you victory over sin because of Christ’s victory at the cross. 



The Apostle Paul tells us that without the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, our entire Christian faith is “useless” (I Cor. 15:14). Who would have guessed it all hinged on that!  So this Resurrection Sunday, April 8th, we’ll be scrutinizing the importance of the resurrection for three timeframes of life:  past, present and future.  Plan to celebrate this greatest victory of all time as we investigate “The Resurrection—Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow.”  Join us at 9:00 or 11:00AM at Second Space Gallery. 



  • New Sunday worship series starting April 15th:  LIFE TO THE FULL—An fulfilling encounter with Jesus in the Gospel of John. 
  • ALPHA RETREAT WEEKEND:  coming up April 27-29 is this spring’s Holy Spirit Alpha Weekend.   Please be praying for God to move at this Coeur d’Alene Lake retreat.  And if you’re in an Alpha group, reserve the weekend on your schedule.
  • BLOOMSDAY WEEKEND LOVE FEASTS:  while there will be no regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship services on Bloomsday morning there WILL BE 2 WEEKEND SERVICES, one Saturday night, May 5th, at 6:00pm and the other Sunday night, May 6th,  at 6:00pm.   Both evening services will have a shared potluck meal around the Lord’s Table. (That means all of us who can will bring a salad, main dish or dessert.)  Both services will be DIFFERENT.  Saturday night we’ll be led by some of our own collegians in both word and song, and Sunday evening we will enter into the world of our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world as we hear from a speaker with Voice of the Martyrs.  Plan to be at one or both of those special evenings enjoying abundance at the Lord’s Table.


In the overwhelming love of Christ Jesus our Lord,


Pastor John





Tags: good friday, easter, love feast, bloomsday

