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  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
  • Email:
  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

Planning Your Summer?

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

To me, part of the fun of summer is making plans.  There are lots of special events to be sprinkled throughout the summer—lake days, camping, road trips, good books, barbecues, backpacking and more. 

This summer we have lots of the “more” to go around!  With a building renovation starting yesterday (!), a church/office move scheduled for August and a fresh downtown relaunch of Mosaic Ministries on for early September, we’ve got a lot packed into a few months. 

So as you’re planning your summer calendar, remember to leave room for some upcoming events.  Here are a few to keep in mind.

  • This Saturday, June 26—Changing Lives ministry is inviting the Mosaic family to come up this Saturday to join them for a lake day at their campout at Farragut State Park, ID. Bring your own sack lunch, swimsuit and towel and plan to stick around for dinner with everyone.  You’ll find them at the Thimbleberry Campground section.  Call Bob (208-819-6539) or Menesia (509-2172572) to make a dinner reservation if you plan to join the BBQ.
  • Sunday, July 10thRe-cycling & BBQ @ the Mosaic Bike Shop storage garage after church from 12:00-3:00p.m. Come enjoy the fun as we strip down dozens of donated bikes for parts, recycling and renovation.  We’ll supply the tools, old bikes, technicians, hot dogs and drinks.  You supply the elbow grease, man/womanpower and fellowship.  Address and directions will be available at church that Sunday.
  • Building Demolition & Redo—If all goes well, we will start taking down some of the extra walls about mid-July. If you have some time and muscle to help with this, please let us know.  We’d love to put you to work!  Sign up on Sundays with your contact and availability info over the next few weeks or email with that info.
  • Moving Weekend--??? We don’t have a firm date for this yet, but as we draw closer to being able to get into our new building (August sometime), we’ll need lots of volunteers to help move everything from pianos to pictures from our two storage places and our current office into the new building.  Stay tuned for this important date…and keep lifting weights in prep for it!

Thanks for planning with us!

Pastor John

Tags: bicycles, building, moving, plans, renovation, summer, barbecues, retreat day

