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    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Praise God from Whom All Blessings FLOW!

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

It’s been an exciting couple of weeks to watch God move in and around Mosaic.  A couple of things come immediately to mind. 


Ever since Mosaic began, there has been a pretty consistent group of about 5-7 men (only half of us from Mosaic) who meet to pray every Thursday morning at 6:30AM at Mosaic.  We pray for you, for our city, for our neighborhood, schools, businesses, government, Mosaic, other churches and mostly for deep spiritual revival and awakening in our land.  Some of us have been praying together every week for 18 years now. 

Last week the room was barely big enough to contain the circle of men who showed up to pray.  Over twenty men have lately been filling our office area to pray.  Many of them don’t even go to Mosaic.  Many of them are new believers or men just out of prison.  Many of them are crying out for help, for their wives and children, for jobs and for strength to make the right choices. It has been an amazing blessing to see God grow this prayer group in a very unexpected way.   And we still have plenty of room for more seekers of God’s heart. 

So if God is tugging on your heart this Lent season to spend more time with Him, I can’t think of a better way to do that than with others who are feeling that same pull.  Men, join us on Thursday mornings at 6:30 in the Mosaic offices right next to Second Space.  Women, join other women in prayer between the services in that same office area from 10:30-11:00AM. 


Some of you know our brother Mark Massingale and the passion he has for reaching boat people in Cambodia.  Well, recently God has put together an amazing ministry/business model with some truly amazing people in Spokane.  Without going into great detail, this model will help make ministry happen in ways we’ve not seen in Spokane by…

A.)   helping young people aging-out of ministries like Youth for Christ and Cup of Cool Water or coming out of various local prison ministries to have house to live in, daily discipleship in God’s word, skill training in carpentry, a paying job, personal mentors and the chance to develop a trade that will enable them to become mature, productive members of the body of Christ and the community of Spokane.

B.)  helping Mark’s Mekong Ministry develop a major funding source through a new Cedar Shed Business that will not be dependant upon fluctuating donations.

C.)  helping network previously disconnected but very gifted and passionate men and women in the church of Spokane.

This past week God pulled together virtually all of the funding needed to launch this project ($35,000) and the team of leaders, investors, mentors and prayer partners to see it into fruitfulness.  You’ll hear more about this in coming months, but I wanted to give you a heads-up about this which could truly serve as a model in our community for future transformational partnerships that will change lives all over the world.


Yes, we’ll be worshiping the King of Kings again tomorrow at 9 & 11 at Second Space.  God will be challenging all of us about some of our male-female beliefs and practices as well as the spiritual practices of leadership and submission every one of us is called to engage in.  Feel free to read over I Corinthians 11:2-16 and come armed with your best questions. 

The Seaside (our bar-church plant meeting at the A-Club at 416 W. Sprague) has invited all of us to join them in the afternoon for their 1-year anniversary and Super Bowl party at 2:30.  Admission is free. 

If you are a collegian or young adult, feel free to join the Super Bowl party at Ben Brast’s & Daniel Repsold’s place (4501 N. Stevens St.) at 3:00p.m.   

NEW!  Monday’s @ Mosaic @ 6:30pm

This Monday evening at 6:30pm we’re launching two NEW STUDY/FELLOWSHIP GROUPS at Second Space. 

  • Helping Without Hurting will help equip you to minister to people in various levels and types of poverty in ways that truly empower and assist.  If you want to see God use you to help the poor, this class is a must.  Cheryl Schenk leads this group.
  • What Has Your Heart? is a new study with Pat Menke that helps all of us identify the things and people we look to for desires of our hearts which God alone can fill.  This study meets both Monday afternoon at 1:30 and Monday evening at 6:30. 


Our college-aged young adults would like to give you a night out without your children.  This Friday, February 10th, you can drop your children off at 6:00pm at Mosaic and enjoy 3 hours of freedom…FREE!  That’s right, 3 hours from 6-9pm of free childcare, thanks to our college-age adults. 


We’ve run into a wall (figuratively speaking) with our plan to expand our worship space in Second Space.  The city is requiring that we install fire sprinklers or a second exit.  Please be praying for us to understand God’s direction in this and His timing for any changes involved. 


This week we have two “serve” opportunities downtown—Cup of Cool Water dinner on Tuesday night (contact Cheryl Schenk at 993-5937) and at City Gate on Saturday night (contact Mike Mann @ 924-3415). 

Blessings to all in our Lord Jesus,


Tags: prayer, ministry, partnership, super bowl

