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Pastor's Weekly Update

Prayer Changes...Everything

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Dear Mosaic Family,

Prayer always changes something.  It may be the one who is praying.  It may be the one being prayed for.  It may be a circumstance, an attitude, a perspective.  It may be our ability to hear God’s voice or follow his leading.  It may be our willingness to submit to His will.  The experience of conversing with God about life can change everything and anything. 

So as we move into this weekend, I would like to invite you to pray throughout this weekend with the assurance that time spent with the Father conversing about life will change things…even you.  Here are some of the conversational issues I’d like to suggest you talk over with God.

1.  ALPHA COURSE RETREAT (Friday-Saturday)  About 25 of us will be at Riverview Bible Camp for about 22 hours this weekend.  We’ll be enjoying four different sessions on the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.  Would you please join us in praying for God to move in a fresh and powerful way among us as he does his filling and reviving work?  It only took 120 in the Upper Room 21 centuries ago to change the whole world!

2.  SUNDAY WORSHIP (On Sunday…again!)  Please pray for God to speak and move among us as we ponder the amazing spiritual exchange God offers to every person “in Christ.”  Life is filled with “change-points,” but none as powerful and transforming as what we have in Christ.  Please pray for God to free us all from the debilitating half-truths that are hindering many of our hearts and mind from fully enjoying and being transformed by God’s grace, love and mercy. 

3.  DYING GRACE:  The Ovens family is going through a very challenging and difficult experience right now.  As Rory is in his last days of life on earth here, all of them need to experience God’s presence and grace in “the valley of the shadow of death.”  Please pray for God to relieve Rory of pain and suffering and to flood the rest of the family (Tami, Andy & Emily) with grace, comfort, peace and the experience of God’s holy presence during these holy hours. 


--Dave Lott recovering from knee replacement surgery.

--Aaron Chipley recovering from foot surgery.


This Monday (Oct. 25th) is the first training meeting for those considering being a part of the February 2011 Agros Nicaragua team.  Please pray that God will nudge and direct just the right people to be part of this team.  If you have any interest, please show up at 6:30p.m. at the Mosaic Office (608 W. 2nd, Suite 101) this Monday, October 25th

“The prayer of a righteous [person] is powerful and effective.”—James 5:16

Thanks for conversing with God in this divine romance. 



Tags: prayer, grace, nicaragua, agros, ephesians

