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Pastor's Weekly Update

Spring Cheer

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

When you can’t tell its spring in Spokane from the weather, you can usually tell by looking at the calendar of events.  While business is NOT next to godliness, there are a few special opportunities for increased fellowship, learning and growth that I don’t want anyone to miss out on.  So here they are in roughly chronological order.


Believe it or not, Mosaic has actually fielded a 22-person co-ed softball team in the church league this spring.  They only thing they’re missing is…fans.  That’s where the rest of us come in.  They play (as in have-a-lot-of-fun) two games each Saturday morning for the next 6 weeks.  Bring your best cheering voice, a warm blanket, your morning coffee and your lawn chair to the  Dwight Merkel Sports Complex (just north of Joe Albi Stadium) for the double-headers at 9 and 10:30AM THIS SATURDAY for some good-old American fun.  Let’s play ball!


Father’s Day is a couple of months away but that doesn’t mean we can’t improve our fathering right now.  We’re hoping that’s what will happen if you go to the Dad’s Bootcamp at Riverview NEXT WEEKEND (April 8-10).  If you’re a dad or granddad who is still involved in the lives of moldable children or young adults, this is one “don’t-miss” event.  I along with Joe Wittwer (Life Center) and Kurt Bubna (Eastpoint) plus a few other dad-pastors and lay leaders will be resourcing dads from Friday night to Sunday, April 8-10.  Go to www.riverviewbiblecamp.org to register.  Come join hundreds of other dads who understand that raising the next generation is the most important job any of us will have in our lifetime.  Oh, and plan to have some fun skeet shooting, ball-playing, Frisbee-tossing, steak-eating, wall-climbing and story-telling. 


APRIL 10th will be both COMPASSION SUNDAY and CHILD DEDICATION SUNDAY.  If you have a child you would like to dedicate to the Lord and a church that you would like to pray for you in the task of parenting, this is your day.  Please let Stephanie O. know before Wednesday if you would like to be a part of this special service by dedicating one of your children (email her at ).  We will also be highlighting the “adopt a child” ministry of Compassion International.  Many of us already support children around the world through this wonderful ministry.  We hope everyone will join this wonderful journey of changing a child’s life forever. 


"Finding Freedom," a group for women desiring to find freedom from the food/weight issues and obsessions will start the 2nd Thursday in April, 5:30 - 7:30 here in Second Space.  Pat M, whose own journey with eating issues led her to victory only through Christ, will be facilitating this group.  Contact Pat at for more information.



CPR Outreach is a non-profit, interdenominational Christian organization dedicated to Caring for homosexuals and their loved ones, Preventing same sex attraction, and Restoring those desiring to leave the lifestyle through the power of Jesus Christ. 

CPR Outreach will be holding a one-day conference on April 16th at the Union Gospel Mission featuring Jason Thompson from Portland Fellowship.  This conference will provide a biblical approach to understanding and responding to those personally and privately struggling with sexual brokenness.  As our culture embraces various sexual expressions, many in the church, and even outside of the church, experience the pain and hopelessness of unwanted sexual hunger and desire.  This conference will take an overall look at how healthy biblical sexuality has been derailed and how to put it back on track.  Sessions will focus on understand the roots of same-sex attractions, a redemptive path toward healing and transformation and the Biblical response to the hurting. 

Jason will also be with us in both our services on Sunday, April 17th as we seek to conform to God’s heart and truth for the homosexual community around us.


If you’ve been a part of ALPHA, we’d like you to consider being a part of BETA too!  A BETA group is a gathering of 25-35 people who meet every other week for food and fellowship, teaching, worship, prayer and bags of fun (so says Stephanie…who is a lot of fun)!  BETA Groups are a way for friendships to deepen, a place to experience community, grow in relationship with God and from which you can serve the world.  The FIRST GROUP will meet APRIL 20th from 7:15-9:00pm at Kirk & Stephanie home.  Put it on the calendar and join the team April 20.


We’re planning a special candlelight liturgical Good Friday service for April 22nd at Second Space.  Come and participate with prayers, Scripture readings, music, communion and congregational interaction. It’s a wonderful way to enter into Easter Weekend.


Some have been asking what our plans are for Bloomsday Sunday since downtown is pretty well shut down in the morning.  Like our megachurch-mama (Life Center), we’ll be shutting down for the morning too…but not the evening.  Plan to cook your favorite dish and bring it to a BLOOMSDAY EVENING POTLUCK at Second Space that starts at 5PM.  We can share stories, rub sore muscles, enjoy great food and be blessed in Christ as we celebrate a real “love feast” meal around the Lord’s Table. Remember what Paul said to Timothy 1st Timothy 4:7-8, “Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness.  Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next.”  (NLT)


We’ve scheduled a baptism for May 15th at the Collins’ home.  If you are interested in being baptized this spring, please let us know (email Stephanie at ).  Pastor John will meet with all baptismal candidates in advance.  Then start inviting your friends and family to this great spiritual event. 

One final note.  In listening to and talking with other pastors, I find myself repeatedly thanking God for the wonderful fellowship of people He has blessed us with.  In this time of real economic hardship in our nation, you continue to worship with great generosity and heartfelt gratitude.  Thank you for giving God your best and your first.  What a blessing it is to be among people of such big hearts.  I know God rejoices over you. 

Rejoicing too,


Tags: spring, baptism, easter, good friday, baseball, dad's bootcamp, cproutreach, bloomsday

