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Pastor's Weekly Update

Summer Blues

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Blues as a musical style is…well…interesting, at least for a little while.  But as an emotional or spiritual condition it’s not something in which most of us like to get stuck for any length of time. 


But that’s precisely where I’ve been of late and where a number of you, I know, have been over the past few months. The causes of that general Eeyore gray-cloud feeling certainly vary from person to person but the symptoms are pretty universal:  discouragement, apathy, fatigue, self-doubt, pessimism, anxiety, etc., etc.  Even (or especially?) our connection with God can seem to be out of sorts.


That’s why we need renewal, refreshing and revival. 


Last Sunday, Jarrod Carter directed our attention to one of the most encouraging passages in the Old Testament about God’s reviving work among his people (see 2nd Chronicles 29-32 for the full story).  I don’t know about you, but I needed that…and still do.  Thanks, Jarrod!  (If you missed it, you can find the podcast on-line at our website:  mosaicspokane.com.) 


So this Sunday, we’ll be looking at another unlikely renewal story, this time out of the book of Psalms.  Hopefully we’ll all be experiencing fewer blues and more refreshing in the days ahead.  Everyone benefits when that happens.  Hope you are able to find yourself in the “house of the Lord” where, according to Psalm 84, even just one day is better than a thousand elsewhere!




SATURDAY’S “SERVE OUR SCHOOLS”—This Saturday, August 11, from 8-noon, we’ll be blessing Jefferson Grade School at Grand & 37th by spreading lots and lots and LOTS of bark.  Come join some other city-center and Southside churches as we practically demonstrate the love of Christ in our city and fellowship with the broader Body of Christ as we do.  One final thing:  BRING WHEELBARROWS!  We’ll need all we can round up. 


MOSAIC CAMPING @ Coeur d’Alene (Heyburn State Park), Friday-Sunday, August 24-26.  Spaces are limited so make your reservations TODAY through the church office.  We’ll be enjoying the tail end of summer fun with swimming, biking, resting, eating and relaxing at this beautiful spot in God’s creation.


Trading the blues for blessings of renewal,




