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  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
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  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

Summer's Heating Up!

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

With 95 degree summer days this week, it doesn’t get any better in Spokane! 


As we head into the last official month of summer, there are a bunch of very exciting, fun, encouraging and growth-filled things on the horizon this month.  As you read them below, ask God to give you sensitivity to what the Holy Spirit would have you engage in.  Don’t miss a minute of what God wants to bless you with this August.



Sunday we’re into Joshua 2.  What an amazing story of God’s amazing work in very unlikely people.  (Sort of like us, huh?)  Who in your life do you think is probably the absolute last person who will ever respond to God?  Well, God’s got some great surprises for you…and them.  Join us this Sunday at Second Space Gallery (610 W. 2nd Ave.) at 9 or 11 AM…and invite someone to come with you for our next step in “Taking the Land” of Spokane. 


NOTE:  If you aren’t able to join us any Sunday, please check the web site for the latest podcast.  You’ll also find a written copy of the sermon.   Go to  http://www.mosaicspokane.com/sermons/ for both podcast and script. 

NOTE #2:  You can also do on-line giving this summer through the web site.  Just click on the “GIVE” box at the bottom of the main page and follow the prompts.  Worship through giving is just a click away.  Thanks for your continued support of God’s work through Mosaic Fellowship!



If you’d like reduced-price tickets for August 11 at Silverwood, please contact Charlie Greer at or call him at 953-3581.  



In a week or two we will be tearing out the carpeting in the office/children’s room area and putting down new flooring as well as redoing a number of other things in that area to make it more useful, clean and attractive.   We want our Children’s Ministry as well as all other groups that meet there to enjoy that space.  So we’ve decided it’s time to upgrade. 

Since this is a “special project” that is outside our regular budget, we’re asking God to provide just about $1,000 for all the necessary upgrades.  I’m asking you to CONSIDER MAKING A SPECIAL, one-time, above-and-beyond-regular-giving GIFT to this project.  We’ll all be blessed by that. 

So stay posted for specific dates.  We hope to do the renovations in one week’s time. 



No, not our family’s alpha-female dog who attacks every dog she meets! I’m talking about something much more friendly, warm, interesting and inviting. 

We’re currently making preparations for the coming of a wonderful ministry called ALPHA that has changed the lives of literally millions of people all over the world.  RESERVE SUNDAY NIGHTS starting September 12th for 12 weeks of amazing, Spirit-led and meaningful spiritual development.  All this month you will be seeing and hearing pieces of ALPHA at Sunday Worship.  So get ready!  ALPHA IS COMING!



If you like camping, swimming, fellowship, fresh air, sleeping under the stars, singing, enjoying God and His creation, then you’re going to love this.  Make your reservation for a camp site at Sun Lakes near Coolie city for our Mosaic Campout by contacting Stephanie Orr at or calling her at 747-3007.  There is no better way to experience fellowship then in a setting like this. 


God bless you all…and don’t overheat!


Pastor John

