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Pastor's Weekly Update

The Ultimate Price

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Every week when we celebrate the Lord’s Table we are essentially engaging in a Memorial Day activity—respectfully remembering the life-sacrifice of someone on our behalf. In the case of Communion that “someone” is our Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life to purchase our freedom, our forgiveness and our future.

But once a year (this weekend), our nation stops its working in order to renew its remembering of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation and our freedoms. It is a very small token of the “remembering” some in our fellowship do every day of their lives. For those in Mosaic whose brother or son or uncle were killed in action in Afghanistan or Iraq over the last 13 years, the memory is constant.

To them I want to take this opportunity to say, “We honor you and your beloved this weekend. Your departed loved ones are truly the heroes of our nation, of our city and of our church. As we remember them this weekend, we remember you in your loss. May the power of their lives and the depth of their sacrifice light the way for all of us as we seek to walk in their immortal footsteps in service to our King of kings, our crucified Lord Jesus.”

May our thoughts, our prayers, and, yes, our words, go out to someone this weekend whose life has been so deeply changed by the sacrificial death of a family member for our entire nation.


Farewell & Wedding Shower/Potluck for Josh & Jodi

On Saturday night, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Second Space we’ll be sharing a meal and blessings together. Josh Bradford and Jodi Bell, two Moody students who have blessed us all year long with their hearts for God and musical leadership in worship, are just weeks away from their weeding in the Midwest. So instead of loading them down with lots of hard-to-ship gifts, we’re throwing a cash-gift shower and send-off Saturday evening. Bring some food, a blessing and a monetary gift (even pennies help) for these two as they prepare to step into the next major chapter of life—marriage and ministry—in another part of the country. And expect to enjoy an uplifting time of praise and prayer as we finish out our Saturday evening Praise & Prayer with them too.


U-Robot: What Does the Human Body Have to Say about God’s Existence?

This Sunday we’ll be hearing from two of our own, Dr. Jarrod Carter and my own son, Andrew Repsold as they take us on a journey at both the macro and micro levels of biology and human anatomy to see what our human bodies (which are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God) have to tell us about God’s existence. Come be amazed at the God who has made you for both this life and eternal life to come. See you at 9:15 or 11:00 a.m. Sunday!



  1. Fighting for Your Marriage Seminar: How to fight and resolve conflicts determines the difference between a sustained healthy and satisfying marriage or endless pain, frustration, and often divorce. At a time when families are falling apart at alarming rates and with enormous social cost, we now have a researched-based seminar to prevent breakdown.

In eight, information-packed, interactive and hands-on hours, each couple will address, practice and design a plan to see lasting change in their relationship. They will experience positive steps for preventing divorce and preserving a lasting love. They will learn steps to: Handling Conflict, Dealing with Core Issues, Preserving and Protecting Friendship, Increasing Fun and Intimacy Together

Dates:  Friday and Saturday, May 30-31, 2014

Times:Friday 6:00pm - 10:00pm, 7:30am – 11:30am Saturday. A light dinner and Continental breakfast will be provided, all at only $54.00 per couple (a $299.00 value for the course alone). Please pre-register through Mosaic or by calling Chris Buck at (509) 368-1741.

  1. Life Services Baby Bottle Drive: Once again this year we are encouraging you to pick up a baby bottle when you are at church, take it home and fill it up with your loose change over the next month as we support our own local pro-life ministry of Life Services.
  2. 40 Days of Prayer for Our City: We’re just over half way through the 40 days. If you haven’t gotten a devotional book, stop by the grid and pick one up. It’s never too late to begin a fresh experience with God through prayer.

Remembering what “ultimate sacrifice” means,  

Pastor John



Tags: memorial day, ultimate sacrifice

