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Pastor's Weekly Update

The Worst & Best Day in History

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Good Friday…the worst…and best day in human history.  However you are observing this most historic of all days this earth has ever known, let me encourage you to carve out some time for deeper reflection, solitude and interaction with the events and Lord of this day. 

This was the day that broke the heart of God the Father as he poured out his righteous wrath against our very own sin on His One and Only Beloved Son with whom he had never experienced even a shadow of separation or interruption in their absolute, eternal love. 

This was the day that broke the heart of God the Son as he bore the sin of the whole world…our sin…in his body on that cruel tree of torture. 

This was the day the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of peace and unity, grieved and groaned, as never before or since, the abject humiliation and grief of the Godhead. 

This was a dark day, not only on planet earth but in the highest heavens. 

Forgiven as we are, it is sometimes important to simply soak in the terrible truth that we murdered our own Maker.  It is sometimes needful to look at the grief and pain we caused the very One we love more than life itself. 

Today is our turn to be humbled. 

Today is our time to be quiet in the darkness of death even as we wait for the sunrise of the resurrection. 

Whether you do that by taking a quiet walk with God in the park or by sitting alone in your room with everything but the Spirit of God shut out for a while, may I encourage you to MAKE THIS DAY HOLY…SET APART…FOR GOD’S PURPOSES. 

To help us do that, TONIGHT we will be observing “The Seven Faces of the Cross.”  While it is traditional to observe the “7 Stations of the Cross” during this week, tonight we will hear from the lips and hearts of 7 people who were all involved in some way with this fateful day two-thousand years ago.  Our candlelight service will begin at 7:00PM at Second Space.  Please join us…and invite others you meet today…to experience a moving time of reflection and worship in the presence of the only God who ever gave his life for His creation.  See you at 7:00. 


April 23rd, from 7:00-8:30PM @ we’ll gather together with other believers from our city to participate in an evening of musical worship headed up by Jack Connelly and various musicians from all over Spokane.  What a great way to observe this Holy weekend. 

EASTER SUNDAY, April 24th—It’s amazing how much even our contemporary culture longs for resurrection.  Jesus’ resurrection forms the cornerstone of every other hope of a resurrection.  Join us in celebration of Jesus’ victory over death and the impact God wants that to have on things in our lives needing real resurrection power.  9 & 11AM services @ Second Space. 

STARTING THIS WEEK:  FINDING FREEDOM GROUP, Thursday, April 28th from 5:30-7:00 @ Second Space.  The first session of this group is open to men and women and will view a video by Erwin McManus called Crave.  He explores our soul's desire for intimacy, destiny & meaning, how these desires are placed there by God, yet easily get misdirected.  Following weeks are for women only and will be using the curriculum, Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst, which focuses on how our deepest desires can only be met through a relationship with God, not food (or whatever else we might turn to).  If you plan to come, please let Pat know so that she can get an idea of the size of the group.  You can purchase the book ($15) & workbook ($10) on 4/28. Contact her at (509) 939-0328 or email

BLOOMSDAY CHANGES:  Since there will be no parking downtown on May 1st, Bloomsday, and since so many of us will be watching other people run themselves into exhaustion, we are MOVING our Sunday morning gatherings to SUNDAY AFTERNOON @ 5:00pm in Second Space.  COOK UP your favorite hot dish, salad or dessert and bring it down for a SHARED DINNER together at 5:00PM.  We will be turning this meal into something the early church loved to share together on the Lord’s Day—a Love Feast.  Together we’ll enjoy not only food but The Lord’s Table of communion.  I’ll be sharing a little bit about developments at Mosaic and a few things we’ve got on the drawing table for coming months.  Our gifted brother and teacher Jarrod Carter will break open the Living Word of God for us in a time with God in His Word.  Then we’ll pack up and leave sometime before 7:00PM…so all those Bloomies can get their beauty rest for the new week. 

BAPTISM:  We’ll be celebrating a baptism at the Collins home/pool on Sunday afternoon, MAY 15th, at 3:00PM.  If you would like to be baptized, please let us know so we can help you prepare for this wonderful step of obedience, witness and discipleship.  Indicate your interest on the Communication Slip on Sunday or call the church office (747-3007) and leave a message for Pastor John or Eric.

May this Easter weekend be filled with Christ for all of us!

Pastor John 

Tags: good friday, easter, best, worst, broken, god

