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Pastor's Weekly Update

This Week at MOSAIC, September 6th

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

For the past six weeks, we’ve been talking about how God intends to make us disciple-making disciples of Jesus. This Sunday we’ll be diving into a new series on The Church: Disciples-in-Action.


Ask anyone today what comes to mind when you say the word “church” and you will get not only a wide spectrum of responses; you’ll also get some very emotionally charged reactions. Some will be wildly enthusiastic about what “the church” has meant to their own journey in Jesus. Others will be rabidly reactive about how “the church” has damaged or wounded them at some point in their life.


For the next six weeks, we’ll be delving into these and other issues related to “the church.” This week we’re looking at why so many people have had bad experiences in “the church,” what God himself thinks and feels about “church,” and His heart for His church can affect each of our experiences with Him in “the church.” Hope you can be part of whatever God is going to do at Mosaic this weekend.



Launches are usually exciting experiences (unless you are talking about eggs, wars or cyber attacks). Fall launches at Mosaic fall into the former category—exciting. As we settle back into the fall here in Spokane, I want to encourage you to pray about some ministry and growth opportunities that will be launching in the next few weeks.



Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Mosaic we’ll be hosting three different study groups designed to grow us up by filling us up with the Word of God.

  • Chris Buck will be leading a group for those who desire to eventually lead a small group or gain new skills and methods for small group leadership.
  • Michelle Buck is leading a group that will use one of Beth Moore’s series called Arming Yourself in the Age of Seduction—Why godly people do ungodly things.
  • Yours truly will be continuing our look at theology with this 6-week session examining Bibliology—how we got the Bible, how reliable it is and how to get more out of it whether you are reading it devotionally or preparing a group Bible study.



The second Saturday of each month, men of Mosaic will be gathering to tackle some very man-related issues—food, employment, food, leadership, food…you get the drift. Mark Saturday, September 14th, 8:-9:30 a.m. at Second Space, on your calendars as we hear from our own Chuck Potter as he takes on the topic of Employment 2.0—getting to your highest and best use to you, your family and the Lord.



Various home groups will be starting on different days and evenings of the week for everyone from teens to seniors, singles to couples, men to women. Plan to make meaningful fellowship and encounters with God in His Word part of your weekly spiritual routine this fall.



This week we have one food-serving ministry opportunities again—City Gate Saturday, September 14th at 6:30 p.m. (170 S Madison St.). (No Cup of Cool Water serve this week, unfortunately.) If you would like to experience the heart of Christ in either of these ministries, please let me know by emailing me at  .


In addition, we are looking for several people to help with the possible launch of some new “family dinners” the downtown residential buildings. We’re looking for adults who love to build community, spend a night a week sharing a meal with a group of people and have a heart to see God do miracles in people’s lives. Please contact Pastor John if you are interested in helping out with this opportunity: 



We are still in need of two adults with a passion for discipling grade school age children through “teaching them to obey everything that [Jesus] commanded” us to do (Mt. 28:20). It will mean teaching one Sunday a month during the 11:00 a.m.service time. What a great way to raise up the next generation in Christ and leave a spiritual legacy that will outlive you!


See you this weekend!


Pastor John

