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    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
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  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

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Pastor's Weekly Update

Time to Change Time

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Yes, this is the Sunday we lose an hour…and gain more light…or at least it seems like it.  Losing an hour of sleep one night in return for enjoying longer days for the next eight months is a small price to pay for a more “enlightened” life. 

Kingdom life in Christ is seemingly a series of tradeoffs like this too: letting go of smaller things of lesser value in the eternal perspective to obtain a life full of greater things of far greater value now and for eternity.  It can look like a big sacrifice in the beginning.  But once you make the change, life tends to be so much richer that you wonder why you ever hesitated letting go of the old to embrace the new. 

Over the next few months, we’ll be making lots of “exchanges” of things at Mosaic—of locations, of time, of resources, growth opportunities and life-impacting encounters.  So let me ask you to consider beginning to exchanging an hour or two of your regular weekly schedule these next few months for some enlightening new ministry opportunities. 

Here are a few upcoming changes you can “exchange” a few hours for blessing in the next few weeks.

Men’s Connection: This Saturday, March 12, 9:00-11:00 a.m. our men will be blessing our Bike Shop by  helping to organize and construct various hanging mechanisms for bikes at our current storage garage at 37 W. 21st Ave. (just outside Duncan Gardens by Manito Park).  We’ll meet there at 9:00 a.m. and provide coffee and donuts.  Men, we need you to provide the brains and brawn (along with a few tools) to make this storage more functional and Mosaic Community Bikes more successful.  If you have any of the following and can bring it for us to use, please let Jason (email: ) or Doug (email: ) know.  We need…

  • Trucks and trailers to haul unusable bike frames to recycling
  • 2 hacksaws
  • 3-4 drills and/or screw guns
  • 2 regular saws

Women’s Connection: With Easter fast approaching, we’ve scheduled the following Saturday, March 19, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. for the women of Mosaic to enjoy fellowship together as you prepare Easter flower baskets for hundreds of our neighborhood residents and businesses.  Then we’re ALL invited (men, women & children) to hand those out at 12:00 p.m. that Saturday (March 19) as a means of inviting our neighbors to join us for Easter the next Sunday (March 27).

Pathways Community Team:  We’re still learning how to develop genuine community with our neighbors that grows all of us in the love of Christ.  And we’re still building the team of people passionate about doing that.  If you’d like to share food and friendship with the Pathways’ Community through our weekly potluck dinners, please join the team by contacting either Zoie (at ) or Derik (at ).  Just be ready to enjoy good food and friendship!

Don’t feel equipped for this ministry?  Then join the rest of us this next Monday, March 14 @ 5:00 p.m. @ Pathways community room (street level to the right of the 222 S. Howard building entrance).  We’ll be getting a bit of training from James, the Case Manager at Pioneer, that will help you understand this community better. 

Building Progress:  We’ve received a counter-offer from the owners of the former Title Building that our leaders are processing as I write.  If all goes well, we could be in possession of this building in April and possibly enjoying our new space sometime early summer.  There will be a few minor renovations we’ll need to do but we will finally have a solid and settled ministry space for Mosaic Center and our church.  At the same time we’re continuing to negotiate for a larger meeting and coffee shop space adjacent.  But the pressure will be off for having to develop both that and the purchased space at the same time.  Please keep praying for God to work as we seek to invade our community more with soul-saving ministries and Light-producing lordship of lives encountering Jesus.

Enjoying fresh light,

Pastor John

Tags: blessing, letting go, light, time

