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  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update


Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Yes, it’s that time of year again: time to move those clocks BACK an hour this Saturday night, November 1st.

But far more important than a mere change of an hour is the change God is calling us to at Mosaic.

While our impending relocation in the downtown core is the second venue change we’ve experienced in our short seven year history, it is really the ministry changes that will accompany the move that is the big news.

In some ways it’s like moving from adolescence to adulthood. As a teenager becomes an adult, they continue in many ways to be the same person they were. But growing into adulthood changes you in profound ways as well. You take on more responsibility for your own life and eventually the lives of others. You mature in personality and character. You continue to refine your focus as to who you are and to what you will devote your life.

So it is with Mosaic. In many ways, we will continue to be the same church we’ve always been—enjoying experiencing the heart of God in the heart of our city through worship, serving “the least of these” in our community, enjoying transformational fellowship together and exploring new models of ministry for our 21st century world.

But other things will, of necessity and of choice, change. We will be able to significantly develop our ministry footprint in our downtown community. We’ll be able to host and help numerous non-profits and businesses that help people thrive both spiritually, economically and relationally. We’ll be able to minister to families with children of all ages in a safe, clean, kid-friendly environment which we currently lack. And we’ll be able to sponsor ministries and events that target today’s millennials and equip them to be tomorrow’s leaders.

So, it’s TIME TO CHANGE! And that change will touch every one of us. Hopefully we’ll all make the journey together. Undoubtedly God will add people we don’t even know yet.

Starting this Sunday, you’ll be hearing about how you can be part of THE CHANGE. We want everyone to take this journey of faith together. And we want everyone to experience the heart of God fully, together, in ways that will grow us all up into Jesus Christ until He comes.

See you at THE CHANGE.

Pastor John

Tags: change, move, location, ministry, community, adolescence

