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    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
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  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

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  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Time's A Chang'en

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Nov. 4, 2010

Dear Mosaic Family,

That’s right.  Time is a chang’en…especially this weekend.  No matter what your plans are for the weekend, don’t forget that we go OFF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time THIS WEEKEND (Saturday @ 2:00AM to be specific).  This is one time of the year when “falling back” is encouraged in the church…unless you want to come an hour early and help us set up and pray for the services.  So please set your clocks back an hour this Saturday night so you can enjoy another hour of God’s great gift of sleep.

Now on to Sunday.  It’s time to start collecting the Samaritan’s Purse OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD shoe boxes.   Please bring them with you this week or next.  The deadline is Sunday, November 14th.  Don’t forget the $7 check for shipping costs or go online to http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/index/ for all the information you’ll need to complete this year’s boxes.  THANK YOU for making some child’s Christmas this year a wonderful time as well as getting the word of the Gospel out across the world. 

Speaking of SUNDAY, if you haven’t met Chris Buck yet, you should.  Actually, you will...if you are at either the 9 or 11 worship services this weekend.  Chris, a veteran chaplain with our military for 20 years and a current hospital chaplain in Spokane, will be picking up where I left off last week addressing the practical issues of the oneness and belonging that are ours now that we are “in Christ.”  Come prepared for a blessing. 

BEING A BLESSING DOWNTOWN:  Mosaic is serving at both CUP OF COOL WATER next Tuesday (Nov. 9th) and CITY GATE the following Saturday (Nov. 13).  It’s always great to have some fresh faces join us at either of those ministries.  Contact Karen Chipley (467-8250 or email ) about Cup and Mike Mann ( or call 389-1871) about City Gate.  Then go and enjoy serving in Jesus name. 

BAR CHURCH?  For about five months we’ve been praying and planning for a new ministry opportunity downtown.  Several months ago, Charlie and Lisa Greer were asked by one of the downtown night club managers to consider doing a Sunday evening church in their facility starting in January 2011.  With over 45 bars and nightclubs in downtown Spokane (compared to about 5 churches), there is a definite need and opportunity to engage with people in Spokane in our downtown core.  Please be praying for this new ministry, for the core team that will work with it and for the prayer and financial support that will be needed.  Is it any wonder Charlie has been fighting some serious medical issues of late?  He’s recovering well from recent back surgery so continue to pray for him, his family, the team and this new ministry.  We’ll share more as the launch date approaches.

ALPHA:  With only about five weeks left in the current Alpha course, we’re already planning for the next one.  If you missed out on this fall’s course, plan to join us for an introductory dinner in January.  We’re hoping to offer the next session of Alpha both at 2nd Space and in various homes, depending upon leadership availability.  So start planning NOW to join this wonderful course if you haven’t already.

WEEKEND FUTURES:  Several of us have been praying about how God might want to use 2nd Space Gallery on the weekends more to both encourage fellowship among God’s , people in Spokane as well as connect with people in our community.  We’ve brainstormed everything from movie nights to musical montages and worship nights.  If you are interested in being part of the planning team for this or just have a good idea on what we might be able to do, please shoot me back an email with your thoughts.  We’ll be getting together soon for prayer and planning. 

PRAYER @ MOSAIC:  Men, we’re currently praying together on Thursdays at 6:30AM in the office.  We’d love to have you join us any Thursday morning to meet with God, get our hearts in shape and intercede for our city.  There is also some talk of beginning a prayer time in between services on Sunday in one of the adjoining rooms.  Let us know if God is stirring your heart for that new possibility. 

May you have a blessed weekend in Jesus Christ.

Pastor John  



Tags: belonging, operation christmas child, bar church

