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Pastor's Weekly Update

Tomorrow is THE DAY!

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

“What day?” you’re probably asking.  “The day we actually get the new building?”  “The day we sign a lease for Pioneer space?”  “The day we launch a downtown youth center?”  “The day we win the lottery?” 

No, it’s actually a more important day than all of those put together.  It’s THE one day…every month…that we’ve chosen as a church to take responsibility to PRAY for God’s work in our city.  We’re one of 30+ churches in Spokane that have each accepted the high privilege and calling of taking charge of one day a month to do spiritual battle on our knees for our city. 

As we press into the darkness of our city with the light of Christ, the darkness is pushing back.  Let me give you just a few examples of why we need to take seriously this call to prayer tomorrow:

  • Jesse Achenbach, our much loved brother and Worship Pastor, has just come through colon cancer surgery last week. Now he and Candice are facing decisions about his treatment as some cancer was also discovered in his lymph system. 
  • Dave Lott, one of our Ministry Leadership Team members and the man who is leading the charge on our building acquisition and renovation, has been hit this week with another bout of twisted bowels that may require surgery this week. This would be the 8th surgery for this problem in about three years.  Dave (and Becky) need our intercession.
  • We’ve extended the inspection period on our new building about a week due to a significant environmental issue that we (read Dave) discovered. While we’re convinced the problem will be solved by the current owners, this may delay our occupancy somewhat.  So please pray for God’s hand to be upon all the parties involved in this issue.  Also, for wisdom and discretion in planning and executing the minimal renovations we have in mind over the next couple of months.

So, may I encourage you to not only pray (and perhaps fast) throughout the day tomorrow but also join us in prayer tomorrow evening from 7:00-8:00 p.m., in the 3rd floor conference room at 608 W. 2nd Avenue where our offices are?  And may I suggest a few more items and people that need God’s intervention and our prayers?

  • David Bradford, Larissa Bradford’s brother living in Arizona, is undergoing heart surgery today with only a 30% chance of survival. He recently accepted Christ and would love for God to spare his life so he can live the rest for Jesus here on earth.
  • Terry Schlosser broke her ankle in 3 places this weekend and had to undergo surgery yesterday to repair it. She and her husband, Steve, need prayer as Steve just recently had another knee replacement himself. 
  • We’re still waiting for Pioneer Human Services to respond to our request for a lease for coffee shop and event space in the Pioneer Pathways Building next to our new building. Please pray for God’s timing and direction in this.
  • Youth for Christ partnership: We’re still moving forward with this wonderful possibility that would allow us to partner some of our new space with a downtown youth center that would be run and staffed by YFC.  Please pray for staff support and finances for YFC and for God to raise up a number of people in Mosaic to work in this ministry.
  • Mosaic Community Bike Shop: We’ve put a proposal to Diamond Parking, the owners of the building we are leasing for the bike shop, to consider a future grant and/or rental assistance for the shop.  Pray that God opens a door for this so we can continue to be financially sound and viable.  Also, pray for more people-loving, Christ-loving volunteers to spend time regularly at the shop simply working alongside and talking with customers and clients.  The field of harvest is white right there but the laborers are too few.  Also pray for the success of our neighboring Cup of Cool Water Bike Shop, Cool Water Bikes. 
  • New Building Purchase: If all goes well over the next month, we could take possession of the new building in early June.  Ideally we’d love to be able to occupy by sometime this summer, the earlier the better.  Please keep praying for God’s hand to be over all the negotiations, agreements, plans, permitting, renovations, partnerships and final product.
  • Mosaic Leadership: we just finished a wonderful weekend retreat with much of our staff and lay leadership.  Please pray for the spiritual drive, passion, health, protection and faith of your leaders.  With some shuffling of leadership and responsibilities in the next few months, we need God to guide as well as empower us and new leaders for the calling He has placed on Mosaic. 
  • Church & Pastoral Unity in Spokane: This Friday morning from 8:00-10:00 a.m. at Moody, I’ll be sharing at a gathering of Spokane pastors and Moody students coming together to pray for spiritual renewal and revival in our city. Please pray for me to say only what the Father has in His heart for this gathering and for the Spirit to move upon all of us to bring His reconciliation and unity that will lead to spiritual awakening and revival in our community. 

TODAY is the day of salvation!  So don’t fail to watch and pray TODY & TOMORROW!

Pastor John

Tags: city, day, people, prayer, spokane

