
Contact Us

  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
  • Email:
  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

Turning Obstacles into Monuments

Posted by John Repsold on with 0 Comments

Dear Saints of God at Mosaic,

I’ve got a question.  What are the obstacles of life facing you today that you are having a hard time figuring out how to get around, through, over or under?  What are the “impossibilities” you’re having difficulty seeing just how God is going to use to strengthen rather than destroy your faith?  And while we’re at it, what was the last miracle or God-thing you remember seeing happen that really built your faith in God’s presence and power?  

Those questions and more are things we’re planning on tackling this Sunday at Mosaic.  As we come to Joshua 3-4, there are some powerful truths for any of us facing life’s obstacles. So plan to gather with us this Sunday at 9 or 11 AM at 2nd Space Art Gallery as we give God a chance to turn some of those obstacles into monuments to His greatness in our lives. 


That’s right.  If you were with us last week at Mosaic you heard the amazing news of how God is literally opening doors downtown.  Charlie & Lisa Greer have been asked by a local downtown Spokane bar to start a church there on Sunday night’s.  With some 45 bars in downtown compared to less than 5 churches, this is truly a sign that God is on the move in our city.  Please be praying for the Greers (protection, provision, favor with God and people) and this new church plant that will launch sometime this winter.  Stay tuned!   


Speaking of the upcoming worship schedule, SUNDAY, AUGUST 29TH there will be ONLY ONE (1) WORSHIP SERVICE at Second Space—the 11:00 AM service.  WHY?  Because we’re hoping that many of us will be enjoying God’s great creation together that Sunday at Sun Lakes near Coolie City for Mosaic’s SUMMER CAMPOUT 2010.  So plan to either be camping with us or catching the 11:00AM worship service at Mosaic on August 29th.  Contact Stephanie Orr at or 747-3007 for camping/RV reservations and further information. What better way to enjoy God, his creation, the end of summer and the fellowship of His family than relaxed time together in the great outdoors!


Over the past few months, we’ve been praying and getting educated about a ministry opportunity that has been used by God in hundreds of nations (169), thousands of denominations and tens of thousands of churches. 

It’s called ALPHA and it’s touched over 2 million people in the US alone and 15 million in the world.  Many of those have met Jesus Christ as their Savior during the 11 weeks of getting acquainted with the core of the Christian faith in a relaxed, enjoyable and open dinner atmosphere. 

This fall we’re bringing ALPHA to Mosaic…for Mosaic first…and then for our friends, neighbors, family and community at successive sessions.  While ALPHA is usually done in homes or churches, our first series will be run at Second Space Gallery on SUNDAY NIGHTS this fall.  It involves a shared dinner each session, a video teaching time, a table-group discussion time and (my favorite) dessert.  During the 11 sessions from September 12 to November 21, we hope to prepare a good number of us for something that will change our lives and the hearts of hundreds of our friends, family and neighbors over the next few years. 

To do this, we’ll need a number of you to serve as table hosts, discussion leaders, table helpers, cooks, prayer team intercessors and child care workers. Please begin to pray now about what part God might have you play in this life-changing experience.  Let us know of your interest by email, phone or registration slip on Sunday.  And plan to attend the first introductory dinner on Sunday, September 12th at 5:00pm.



As I mentioned last week, we’re asking God to provide $1,000 for new flooring for our children’s and office area.  Would you consider making a one-time, above-and-beyond-regular-giving GIFT of $50, $100 or even $500 to this project?  We’d like to get this remodeling done by the time we launch our fall ministries.  And since we’ll probably be installing it ourselves, we’d love to hear from any of you who might have some time to help tear out the old carpeting and tap in the new flooring.  Just call the Mosaic office (747-3007) and let us know you’re available.  Thanks!


If you’d like reduced-price tickets for August 11 at Silverwood, please contact Charlie Greer at or call him at 953-3581. 

SUNDAY PODCASTS:  If you’re unable to join us any given Sunday, please check the web site for the latest podcast.  You’ll also find a written copy of the sermon there too.   Just go to  http://www.mosaicspokane.com/sermons/ for both podcast and script. 

ONLINE GIVING:  You can also do on-line giving this summer through the web site.  Just click on the “GIVE” box at the bottom of the main page and follow the prompts.  Worship through giving is just a click away.  Thanks for your continued support of God’s work through Mosaic Fellowship!

God is on the move all over our city.  He’s doing something special right where we are in the heart of the city too.  Thanks for being a part of His heart for the heart of Spokane.

Pastor John

