
Contact Us

  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
  • Email:
  • Meeting Address:
    115 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
  • Office/Mailing Address:
  • 608 W. 2nd Ave, #101. Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday: 10am
  • Infant through 8th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

Afraid of Praying?


Posted by John Repsold on

Dear Mosaic Family, Praying is one of those universally acceptable spiritual activities…even if you’re an agnostic.  No kidding.  I recently ran across a book entitled “An Agnostic Defense of Obligatory Prayer.”  It’s written by an agnostic philosophy ...

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Tags: prayer, fear, agnostics, church, ephesians

What's Your Mission?


Posted by John Repsold on

What’s Your Mission? If you take more than 3 seconds to formulate an answer to that question, then I’ve got a terrific idea for you this weekend. This weekend there will be a historic “first” for Spokane—“The Inland Northwest Mission ConneXion.”  ...

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Tags: missions, mission, spokane mission connexion

Labor Day Weekend Giveaway!


Posted by John Repsold on

Labor Day Weekend GIVEAWAY! Yes, we really are giving away lots of things this weekend.  For starters, how about a really nice, big DESK?  Seriously.  We’ve got an office desk we’re needing to move out of our newly refurbished office space.  If you’d like ...

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Tags: giveaway, worship, joshua, free

It Must Be Summer...Still!


Posted by John Repsold on

One of the things I LOVE about living in Spokane are the distinct seasons—fall, winter, spring and…road construction.  If you’ve been anywhere near Mosaic this past month, you know that we’re full into road construction season.  It’s just a little tough to ...

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Tags: construction, summer, alpha

Alpha's Coming


Posted by John Repsold on

What’s ALPHA? August 18, 2010         Dear Mosaic Family, If you’ve been with us anytime during August, you’ve already heard a little bit about ALPHA.  But many of you still have a number of questions about what it is.  So ...

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Tags: alpha course, food, fall, fun

Turning Obstacles into Monuments


Posted by John Repsold on

Dear Saints of God at Mosaic, I’ve got a question.  What are the obstacles of life facing you today that you are having a hard time figuring out how to get around, through, over or under?  What are the “impossibilities” you’re having difficulty seeing just how ...

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Summer's Heating Up!


Posted by John Repsold on

With 95 degree summer days this week, it doesn’t get any better in Spokane!    As we head into the last official month of summer, there are a bunch of very exciting, fun, encouraging and growth-filled things on the horizon this month.  As you read them below, ask God to give ...

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God's Stunning Beauty


Posted by John Repsold on

Dear Mosaic Family,   Praise God for another beautiful week here in the Inland Northwest.  I trust you are enjoying the beauty of the Lord just as much as the beauty of summer.    Speaking of beauty, as our family drove through some of the most stunningly beautiful scenery ...

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Home Again...Finally!


Posted by John Repsold on

Dear Mosaic Family, Four weeks, 4,200 miles of driving in an RV, 14,000 miles of flying and daughter’s engagement later, we’re finally home again!  Dorothy was right:  There’s no place like home…especially after your home has been 120 square feet of bouncing ...

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Breaking Bread Together


Posted by John Repsold on

Greetings in Jesus! "All the believers were together...every day they continued to meet together...they broke bread...and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people" (Acts 2:44-47).  Such was the life of God's people in Jerusalem at the ...

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